How would you pronounce Emilia



I pronounce it similar to amelia.

Like Uh - Mi - [name]Lee[/name] - A

but [name]Amelia[/name] is Uh - Mee - [name]Lee[/name] - a

Eh-meel-ee-yah. Like [name]Emily[/name] at the beginning. Different from [name]Amelia[/name] and I definitely prefer this way. It’s my favorite choice for a middle name if I have another girl!

Yep, me too.


Somewhere between eh-MEE-lee-uh and uh-MEE-lee-uh, so it would sound very close to [name]Amelia[/name].

I usually say em-uh-lee-uh. Like [name]Emma[/name] and [name]Leah[/name] in the same name.