I pronounce it “nah-[name]TAH[/name]-lyah” which is the European way (Russian mainly). Some people do pronounce it phonetically like your mother-in-law but I don’t find it very appealing myself.
[name]Natalie[/name]-uh?! Really? I say nah-[name]TAL[/name] (tal like [name]Allen[/name] without the “en” and with a “T” in front of it!)-yuh. My baby sister is [name]Natalie[/name], but I would have never considered using the [name]Natalie[/name]-uh pronunciation! I actually call my sister [name]Natalie[/name]-uh sometimes, lol, but just as a joke! Then again, I also call her [name]Tallie[/name], [name]Lea[/name], [name]Tallulah[/name], [name]Lulu[/name], [name]Nattie[/name], [name]Talia[/name], [name]Natalia[/name], etc.
BTW, [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Natalia[/name], and I think [name]Elena[/name] and [name]Natalia[/name] are adorable together! Really love your [name]Natalia[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name] [name]Fleur[/name] combo, too! I love [name]Fleur[/name].
I’m on bored with all the pp’s here. I pronouce it [name]NaTALia[/name] (emphasis on the second syllable), not [name]NATalia[/name] (like [name]Natalie[/name] + a, emphasis on the first).
Also, Great name! I love the nn [name]Talia[/name], would even consider using just that as a full name.
I really think most people would pronounce it as you do… The few [name]Natalia[/name]'s that I know use this pronouciation so I don’t think you should be considered.
I pronounce it as [name]Nuh[/name]-tal-e-yuh. This is how all the [name]Natalia[/name]'s/[name]Natalya[/name]'s I know pronounce their name as. I can see how someone that doesn’t know much about names would think it would be [name]Natalie[/name]-uh though.
I know a [name]Natalia[/name] who pronounces it nu-[name]TAL[/name]-ia so that’s how I would pronounce it, the same as you’re pronouncing it I believe.
She goes by [name]Talia[/name] which I think is a very cute nn too I love the name for what it’s worth!
^ This.
Three syllables. I find saying it with four syllables really awkward. As far as I know to pronounce the “ia” as “ee-ah” is incorrect as far as etymology goes.
Thanks everyone, sooo good to hear everyone is on the same page as me!
I’m seriously reconsidering [name]Natalia[/name] at the minute, although I love it, I can’t bear the idea of having to constantly correct people.
I already have problems with [name]Elena[/name], she gets called “[name]Ellen[/name]-ah” and “[name]El[/name]-een-ah” instead of “[name]El[/name]-ay-nuh” by people were not familiar with and it drives me crazy!
I guess I have 12 more weeks to decide
So my name is [name_f]Natalia[/name_f]. I’m from [name_f]Canada[/name_f] and I’ve found people say nuh-[name_u]TAL[/name_u]-ya. However, i prefer a way of pronouncing that sounds a bit like [name_u]NAT[/name_u]-al-ya. It sounds way cooler and rolls off the tongue better. I find Spanish persons (it also sounds awesome with a Cuban accent?) and people from Ukraine say it the second way. Anyway, it’s a pretty awesome name!
I would pronounce it na-TALL-ya, but there’s a girl in my grade named [name_f]Natalia[/name_f] and everyone pronounces her name as na-TAAL-ia (long A sound as in “apple”).