How would you pronounce the name Christelle?

It’s a french name actually pronounced like [name]Chris[/name]-TELL but lots of people think it’s a fancy way of spelling [name]Crystal[/name] like [name]Chris[/name]-toll. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce it on first seeing it? And do you like it?

I pronounced it your way. I pronounced it chris-TELL when I saw it in the title.

I speak french so I would pronounce it Kriss-tell.

Ditto this. There are loads of people who’re going to read it as [name]Crystal[/name] though : /

I prounounce it [name]Chris[/name]-TELL and i love this name.

I know a few Christelles, it’s popular in the Hispanic community and the only way I’ve heard it said is “[name]Chris[/name] TELL”

I would say [name]Chris[/name]-TELL as well!