How would you pronounce this and is it too complicated?

This is how I’d pronounce it as well.

I’m sure many are familiar with the Ramayana in some way, shape, or form so that’s the pronunciation you will get

I pronounced it like #1. I don’t think it would be an uber difficult name to have, although the way it’s pronounced may have to be clarified.

I think it would stump most people at first.

The first way. And with your husbands background i think a wrong pronunciation isn’t really an option anyway… I think it’s always weird to chose a wrong pronunciation, but especially if one parent even speaks The language or shares The culture. To me changing a pronunciation From right to wrong is as bad as a kre8tyve Name buts that’s just me.

I sort of pronounced it like Rah-ma-YAH-nee. Similar to the first option.

I pronounce it the first way. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you really just want to name her [name_f]Hermione[/name_f]?
There are tons of beautiful [name_f]Indian[/name_f]/Hindi/Hindu names with lovely meanings that are easy for Westerners to understand and pronounce.
There are tons more… In my view, why complicate life?

I pronounced it RAH-my-[name_m]AH[/name_m]-nee

I had to look at it for a second and then I came up with rah-my-[name_m]AH[/name_m]-nee.

#1–RamaYAni, because that’s how Hindi names have flowed in my experience.

I think part of the beauty of a name like Ramayani is its history and its ties to the culture, and in my eyes those are lessened if you change the pronunciation or drastically change the spelling. (I worry a little less about spelling with names that come from languages with non-[name_m]Roman[/name_m] alphabets, but there is still typically a conventional way.)

I pronounced it like Option 1.

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t think this name is complicated. The spelling is pretty straightforward and it’s not difficult to say (either the “correct” way or your way). It’s not like [name_f]Caoimhe[/name_f] or Wojciech that throw English speakers for a loop. Then again, I live in a city with a huge immigrant population including a lot of people from [name_f]India[/name_f], so I’m used to more unusual names.

On first glance I would pronounce it rah-my-ah-nee. Like Ramayana. It seems like a pretty straight forward name, I would assume most people would pronounce it this way.