How would you say Xyla and Zaya?

I would say them as Zy-la but worried it would get said as X-eye-la. (If that makes sense)

I like the name [name_f]Zaya[/name_f] (Zay-ah) would people say it as Zy-ah like what they do with [name_f]Maya[/name_f]?

[name_f]Xyla[/name_f] I would say zy-la. I don’t think people would assume it had an “ex” sound at the start.

[name_f]Zaya[/name_f] I would assume was zy-ah rhyming with [name_f]Maya[/name_f], rather than zay-uh where the first syllable rhymes with [name_f]May[/name_f]. But, it would be an easy correction and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was said zay-uh.

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I’d say ZYE-luh and ZAY-uh!

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I’d say ZY-la and ZY-uh.


Same here :raising_hand_woman:


zy-la and zy-uh are intuitive for me, but it’d be easy to correct to zay-uh :blush:


How would you spell Zay-ah :slight_smile: , [name_f]Zaia[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_f]Zayah[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] just [name_f]Zaya[/name_f]

[name_f]My[/name_f] first instinct is zy-luh and zay-uh!

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I’d Xyla as Zy-luh (lIm thinking of the word xylophone)

Zaya - I want to say as Zay-uh - not sure even why I wouldn’t rhyme it with Maya? Maybe because it reminds me of the name Inaya and the Inaya I knew pronounced it with an ay sound


I’d pronounce them…

[name_f]Xyla[/name_f]: zy-luh
[name_f]Zaya[/name_f]: zay-ah

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[name_f]Xyla[/name_f]- zy-la
[name_f]Zaya[/name_f]- za-uh

I think the majority of adults know that X can make a Z sound in names like [name_f]Xena[/name_f] or [name_m]Xander[/name_m], I wouldn’t worry about it.

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Listening to the pronunciations I got both versions for [name_f]Zaya[/name_f]

[name_f]Xyla[/name_f] was Zy-luh

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Because some say May-ah and some name My-ah

I agree with others that Zaya could easily be corrected if someone says “zy-ah”. I think about Zendaya - I always want to say “Zen-dye-ah” but it’s “Zen-day-ah”. Easy fix.

Zayah makes me want to say it the “zay” way more than Zaya for some reason lol. Zaiah could also work - reminds me of Isaiah.

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I’d say [name_f]Xyla[/name_f] like Zy-Lah (like a xylophone) and [name_f]Zaya[/name_f] like [name_m]Zai[/name_m]- uh.

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I would pronounce [name_f]Xyla[/name_f] zy-luh and [name_f]Zaya[/name_f] zay-uh

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I would say Zye-la (rhymes with Lyla) & Zae-a (rhymes with Leia) :blush:
(I’m American)

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Instinctually id say xyla: zye-luh and zaya: would be equally zye-uh or zay-uh

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X like “Ks” , Y like the pronoun “I”, La like “Lah”

[name_f]Zaya[/name_f]: Zay-ah

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Good explanation. However, unfortunately you described them exactly as I would say them.

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