How Would You Spell It?

Hello! Recently I met someone who informed me she was having a little girl and planned to name her “Adalee” pronounced Add-uh-lee. And honestly I love it. But, I’m not sure about the spelling. I feel like I would have pronounced it like aid-uh-lee, like the name [name_f]Ada[/name_f] with [name_u]Lee[/name_u] attached.

How would you spell this name to ensure the Add-uh-lee pronunciation? Addalie? [name_f]Adalie[/name_f]? [name_f]Adalee[/name_f]? None of them feel right!

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The only reason I would pronounce it add-ah-lee is because I personally know a child named this with the spelling [name_f]Adalee[/name_f]. I also think it’s very pretty!

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I would go with [name_f]Adelie[/name_f]!
It avoids being mispronounced as ayda-lee and it looks similar enough to [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] and [name_f]Adele[/name_f] to feel familiar and not too modern/made-up.


Seconding [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] as the most intuitive option, but from the spelling options you offered, [name_f]Adalie[/name_f].

I think [name_f]Adalee[/name_f] would end up being said like [name_f]Ada[/name_f] [name_u]Lee[/name_u].


[name_f]Adelie[/name_f]! Cute! I would put more emphasis on the “Adel” when saying it but I’m sure someone along the way will butcher it like “a deli” sandwich. Pronunciation issues are unavoidable as I am quickly learning! Still, a lovely name.


Id probably assume aid-uh-lee since becoming more familiar with [name_f]Ada[/name_f] but I don’t think any other spelling is better. [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] really reminds me of [name_f]Adele[/name_f] so almost looks like Uh-dell-ee. [name_f]Adalee[/name_f] is fine.

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To be honest I always pronounce [name_f]Ada[/name_f] like add-uh and I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it ay-duh in real life, so [name_f]Adalee[/name_f] makes sense to me.


I didn’t think to spell it with an E! This is now my favorite! Thank you!

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Good point, I didn’t think of it looking like [name_f]Adele[/name_f]! Uh-dell-ie sounds horrible to me!

I think you’ll always run into some people mispronouncing the name, but then most would hear it before they see it; however, for that reason, and because there are so many variations of the name/sound out-there, I do think it helps people remember the spelling & pronunciation if you’re able to say “Adelie like [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] or Adelaide”.
[name_f]Edelie[/name_f], Edalie could also work, as could Addelie but the E spellings could also lead to confusions and with [name_m]Add[/name_m]- that all I see, to add something.
I think I’m this case it’s best to go with the spelling you think looks the best and have people figure it out :slight_smile:

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I had no pronunciation issues when I read [name_f]Adalee[/name_f]. To me, it is pronounced Add-uh-lee. I’ve heard it pronounced this way numerous times throughout my life with this spelling as well.

I also think there are going to be pronunciation issues for a name no matter what, so changing the spelling won’t solve everything. I know someone with the name Aidᴀ, pronounced Eye-duh. What makes sense to one may not make sense to another.

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I would have pronounced it correctly but I prefer the spelling [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] or [name_f]Adalie[/name_f].


For Add-uh-lee
I would spell it [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] or Adeleigh I guess.

[name_f]Adalie[/name_f] I guess is a little ambiguous and I can see it going either way. Same with [name_f]Adaleigh[/name_f]

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When coaching people on pronunciation, you could phrase it “like [name_f]Natalie[/name_f] without the N”.

[name_f]Adalee[/name_f] works, but I especially like [name_f]Adelie[/name_f].


[name_f]My[/name_f] first instinct [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] but also [name_f]Adalie[/name_f] works well


I’d do Adelie!


I like the suggestion of [name_f]Adelie[/name_f] best! [name_f]Adalee[/name_f] looks intuitive enough but I’d wonder if it’s pronounced aid-uh-lee.


I think I’d spell it Adelie… ad-uh-lee
[name_f]Pretty[/name_f] name :slightly_smiling_face:


[name_f]Adelie[/name_f] would be my preference


[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.

Definitely [name_f]Adelie[/name_f]. That looks the sleekest in my opinion. :slight_smile: