I was inspired by your R-name suggestions, please comment :)

I asked you a while ago what your favorite R-names were and I drew some inspiration from that list.

I like the letter R, so I was wondering, which one would you pick and why? Which one is your least favorites? Any comments, associations and images very much appreciated.

This is my list of all the R-names I love:

Ronnie, Roni
Rhianna, Rhiana
Rain, Raine


Is Riley too feminine now to be used for a boy? I think it’s fine on a girl but much nicer on a boy. I would pronounce Rian more like ree-an, not Ryan.

Not sure if I would use Ruxandra. I find it intriguing, but dislike all possible short forms.

[name_f]My[/name_f] favourite would be [name_f]Romy[/name_f] - sparkly, lively, and warm - stylish and colourful in vibe :heart: just a fun, versatile name.

[name_f]My[/name_f] least favourite is Ruby-Rose - it is a bit gimmicky/descriptive or associated with one person who pulls it off :person_shrugging:

[name_f]My[/name_f] other favourites would be:

[name_f]Rosalia[/name_f] (bouncy, elegant and bright)
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] (literary, sleek and sharp)
[name_f]Ruby[/name_f] (bubbly and bright)
[name_f]Rowenna[/name_f] (earthy and witchy)

Intrigued by Ruxandra too. Kind of rugged and grand

I know several male Rileys - I don’t think it feels too feminine - very unisex to me. [name_m]Rian[/name_m] is cool - I prefer it to [name_m]Ryan[/name_m]


I love [name_f]Romy[/name_f], [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f], and [name_f]Rowenna[/name_f] so much! [name_m]Rowen[/name_m] is such a pretty nickname for [name_f]Rowenna[/name_f] :heart:

I pronounce [name_m]Rian[/name_m] ree-an too and I love it!

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[name_f]My[/name_f] favourite by a mile is [name_f]Rowenna[/name_f] which has my heart :heart:. I won’t repeat everything I said in the first thread re associations, but the imagery I get is literary gothic / desolately beautiful landscapes. I find her poetic, evocative, windswept, and simultaneously soft and strong. I think she’s heartrendingly beautiful.

[name_f]My[/name_f] second choice is [name_f]Romy[/name_f], which I just love the sound of and find sweet.

[name_f]My[/name_f] least favourites are the more masculine options [name_f]Ronnie[/name_f] and [name_f]Riley[/name_f], I just don’t like this style of name especially on a girl and don’t find any beauty there.

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I loved your R question!

My favourite is definitely Rosalind :rose:

She’s elegant, strong, has lovely literacy associations with Shakespeare I love the play As you like it and I like that she’s both connected to roses (my favourite flower) along with horses (one of my favourite animals) honestly Rosalind makes me smile.

I also love Romy, Rosalia and Ruby. But I agree with others Ruby-Rose is a bit gimmicky. However I have met twin girls named Ruby + Rose which I thought was sweet but I think as just one name it’s a bit much.

My least favourite Ruxandra for me she just doesn’t look visually appealing. I appreciate that she’s a Romanian feminine given name off Persian origin essentially a variant of Roxana a name I do like and if you have Romanian/Persian heritage she may appeal to you but for me I’m not keen on how the name looks. I’m also not keen on Ronnie. Ronnie is popular for boys where I live but I dislike for both boys and girls.

Concerning boy names Riley definitely works for boys where I am Riley ranks #70 for most popular boy names but only #207 ranking for girls. I actually love Riley for boys he’s handsome, outdoorsy and sweet.

I’m not keen on Rian feels a little too trendy I prefer Ryan.

Hope this helps

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites are [name_f]Ruby[/name_f], [name_f]Rosalia[/name_f], and [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] least favorites are Ruby-Rose (to descriptive together) and [name_f]Roni[/name_f] (I’m assuming since they were written together that this is meant to me an alternative spelling of [name_f]Ronnie[/name_f] but I instictively pronounced it to rhyme with [name_m]Tony[/name_m] which I don’t like the sound of).
I agree with you about [name_f]Riley[/name_f], it feels much fresher and interesting on a boy.

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