I will give you a name

I have a huge list and I will give you a name from my list or that I think I like, that suits the best.

What I need is:

Gender of the name
Aesthetic/vibe of the name (be detailed, include sounds, colours, specific imagineries etc. Helps a lot since I visualise stuff in sounds and specific scenarios a lot and I associate my names with those…)

Not obligatory:

  • Language / origins of the name
  • Name style

I’d like something feminine with light pink, coquette inspired vibes! so something you can see fitting my aesthetic.

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Uhm, okay. By aesthetic I meant something more specific: Maybe a ballerina dancing? [name_u]Or[/name_u] a young girl in a café enjoying her tea? I know it might be weird, but I associate each of my name with something specific… [name_f]Menta[/name_f] gives me the idea of, for example, a socialite lady like [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] [name_m]Fitzgerald[/name_m] that enjoys drinking tea and collects hats.

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Oh, sorry, let me do something specific for you :sob:

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Thank you, you are so kind!
Anyways names that give me a general rose coquette vibe without specificating are [name_f]Irina[/name_f], and [name_f]Celine[/name_f].

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Thank you, you’re really kind too!!

For another, more specific description, how about a young pop singer singing and/or writing songs?
You can obviously tell me if this isn’t specific enough!

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Female. Staid, sensible, a bit morbid and sarcastic. Masculine fashion with lots of thick, warm fabrics: wool, tweed. Small ink stains on hands. Hair in artful disarray. Academic, intense. Probably carries around one of these umbrellas with a duck shaped handle everywhere. Works at a desk with a bottle green banker’s lamp. Might be found with a fountain pen tucked behind her ear.


It is very useful, thank you! For some reason I thought of [name_f]Vera[/name_f]. (pronunciation: VEH-rah)

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I think of a Spanish name like [name_f]Leonor[/name_f] that ends in a consonant.


I love [name_f]Vera[/name_f]!

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Thank you for offering this!

I’d like a feminine or unisex name with this aesthetic/vibe/sounds:

  • rugged shorelines and crumbling cliffs, waves rolling into the beach
  • shades of blue and grey
  • distinctive sounds, maybe with a bit of sharpness (I’m thinking of names like [name_f]Anouk[/name_f], [name_f]Kinvara[/name_f], [name_f]Morven[/name_f], [name_f]Sarai[/name_f], Sloane)
  • poetic vibes maybe?
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I’d love a fem. name please! Vibes:

A young girl who is romantic, dramatic, and headstrong. She has wild, curly, waist length hair and reads books like Wuthering Heights, Sense and Sensibility, and the occasional [name_m]Edgar[/name_m] [name_m]Allen[/name_m] [name_u]Poe[/name_u]. [name_f]Imagery[/name_f] would be wind on the moors, crackling fires in the fireplace, flowy dresses with a muddy hem, storm clouds with a bit of sunlight peeking through, and leather book covers. Colours are lavender, hazel, grey, and pale yellow.

Let me know if this description needs to be tweaked a bit!

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Would I be able to have a feminine name that goes well with the names [name_f]Elena[/name_f] and [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] but doesn’t end in an ie/y sound or an a. Needs to have a nickname. [name_u]Will[/name_u] be a sweet [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] baby if that helps.

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A female name. Colours are black and red. Style is dark, intriguing and not too feminine. Nothing pink and frilly. I hid all the extra details as they took up a lot of space. (It’s the description of a person)


She’s quiet and a little bit introverted. She enjoys going out but prefers minimal interaction with strangers. She’s creative and gets bored easily. She enjoys making clothes and hopes to get into D.I.Y (do it yourself, if you didn’t know). She prefers cooler temperatures.


She has very pale, cool skin, and eyes that appear to be yellow-green or blue-green. Her eyebrows are dark and full. She keeps her hair shorter that shoulder length but longer than chin length. Her hair covers the right side of her face. She’s cute, or so other people think. She’s shorter than the average height for her age, and she calls herself a midsize.


Her style is mostly gender neutral, with a few exceptions. She likes cozy, warm, oversized clothes which she sometimes layers. She normally wears a hat when she goes out, and commonly wraps a scarf around the lower half of her face, just over her nose. She wears a pair of black and gold browline glasses. You might sometimes see her wearing a tank/vest top and a pair of shorts, but you wouldn’t catch her dead in a crop top or anything skimpy (If i got the phrase right).

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This is very cool!! I’d love a feminine name(s) that give to you green vibes: think carefree, laughing with friends, summer nights gathered around the campfire kind of vibes!!

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Feminine name
[name_f]Serene[/name_f] boho aesthetic, sunset on [name_f]Malibu[/name_f] beach, running around and drawing pictures in the sand, right next to a meadow of wildflowers dancing in the wind freely

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I picture a [name_f]Girasol[/name_f] or a Minnivere!

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I associate an [name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f] or a [name_f]Liselotte[/name_f].

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