We are having hard time choosing a name for our daughter. For family reason, we have to use an I initial first name. (I don’t like this. Our family members will run out of names very soon.) We were pretty much settled on [name]Isolde[/name], then I just found [name]Ianthe[/name]. I love [name]Violet[/name], but I can’t use it, so I think it’s a great alternative. I’m just worried about it being too out there since I have never heard of this name before. What do you think?
[name]Ianthe[/name] is ok. It reminds me of [name]Xanthe[/name], which I prefer but since you need an I name it works. [name]Isolde[/name] is nice too. Here are some other ideas if you are interested…
[name]Ianthe[/name] just makes me think of [name]Xanthe[/name] spelled incorrectly…not too keen on it. [name]How[/name] about
I think [name]Ianthe[/name] is really pretty. You may have a few pronunciation issues, but once you say the name once or twice, people will catch on and it wont be a big deal. [name]Isolde[/name] is pretty, but not my favorite.
I like [name]Ianthe[/name]. There’s also other alternatives that I like too such as [name]Iolanthe[/name], [name]Ioanna[/name], and [name]Iolanda[/name] that I like too. [name]Io[/name] is may favorite nickname for all of them, but for [name]Ianthe[/name], maybe [name]Thea[/name] would work too.
And since you like [name]Isolde[/name], might I suggest [name]Isotta[/name] (Italian version of [name]Isolde[/name])? All are very pretty names.
please pronounce [name]Ianthe[/name] and [name]Isolde[/name] for me:-)
I actually really like the name [name]Ianthe[/name] (for the meaning and sound), but I think you will have spelling and pronunciation issues.
I pronounce it Ay/I-[name]ANN[/name]-thee…I am so bad at writing phonetic spellings!
Nah, it’s a cool name. Use it if you like it!
I love [name]Ianthe[/name] and [name]Ianthe[/name] [name]Violet[/name] would be beautiful!
My gdaughter is named [name]Xanthe[/name] and she has had lots of compliments on her name as I am sure your [name]Ianthe[/name] will too.
If you were going to name her some uber trendy made up nonsense of a name I would be worried but the lovely Greek [name]Ianthe[/name] is a winner.
I like [name]Isolde[/name] and [name]Ianthe[/name] is nice as well, though I recently discovered [name]Iantha[/name] in a book and really like that name a lot.
I don’t really like it. [name]Isolde[/name] is ok, other suggestions:
[name]Izabel[/name] etc.
[name]Ianthe[/name] is supposed to have a Y sound at the beginning when said ‘correctly’.
I absolutely adore eye-an-thee though as pronunciation. I would use that if I didn’t feel like I was somehow butchering a name or culture that I was unfamiliar with.
[name]Love[/name] [name]Ianthe[/name] its wonderfully unusual without being bizarre. I don’t see the pronunciation problem it seems very clear to me how it would be said.
[name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Ianthe[/name] correctly? I always loved the look of the name but was kind of
Neuilly - so it should be pronounced [name]YAN[/name]-thee?
I really like [name]Ianthe[/name] (eye-ann-thee) and love [name]Isolde[/name] (eee-sold-uh). [name]Both[/name] are going to strike some folks as too out there and both will have pronounciation challengesvfor some but they are lovely, classic and strong names.
Also love the suggestions of [name]Isis[/name] ( my daughter was almost named this) and [name]Ione[/name].
I love [name]Isis[/name] too!
[name]Ianthe[/name] is pretty and I don’t think it is too out there. It’s not my favorite I name but still very nice.
Other I names I love: [name]Ingrid[/name], [name]Ione[/name], [name]Ilsa[/name] and [name]Ines[/name].
[name]Love[/name] [name]Ianthe[/name], [name]Ione[/name], [name]Isolde[/name], [name]Iseult[/name]. I don’t think they’re too strange these days.
It’s a lovely name, not too out there. By the way, it’s correct pronunciation is ee-an-thee (as per the Greek), although a lot of English speakers say eye-an-thee, probably because they can’t get past the capital “I” at the beginning.