Icarus - Flying too close to the sun?

[name_m]General[/name_m] opinions on [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]? Is it usable or a bit too much?

I’m not sure if I will ever see past the Flying Squirrel image from my childhood (points if you know what I’m talking about!) or the Mythology!

[name_m]Icarus[/name_m] isn’t my style. I will always think of the myth. It’s just a very tragic name to me.

I’d say a bit much, and I have a very high tolerance for oddness. (I share your enthusiasm for [name_m]Cadmus[/name_m], for example; it’s one of the top two contenders if our baby, due early [name_f]April[/name_f], is a boy.) The myth isn’t a great association. And what if [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] got shortened to Icky?

[name_f]Love[/name_f] the story…[name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is better than Daedelus (slightly).

I know an [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]. He’s [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] [name_m]Jaren[/name_m] [name_m]Hale[/name_m] with siblings Acheron, [name_f]Clio[/name_f], Erebos, and [name_f]Phaedra[/name_f] (not sure on their middles)

I love the name, but the story of [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is so sad and Icky is terrible. However, there is a lot more to [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] than that story. Gather round for the mythology lesson :stuck_out_tongue:

The story of flying to close to the sun is the most often told story of [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]. The Hellenic [name_f]Air[/name_f] Force is named for [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] who is seen as the mythical pioneer in Greece’s attempt to conquer the skies. Many people take his story as one of hubris but really, it was boyish curiosity and misfortune. Once he was given the wings he couldn’t help himself. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms, and so [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos.
I mean, if you were given wings, how controlled would you be to fly for the first time?
The name [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] has been used on two previous and one current occasion for projects involving space-flight. The first two were in 1967 and 2009 the third was announced in [name_u]March[/name_u] 2009. He’s used in art and music.

So I do think it could be usable, but understand that there’s a lot connected to it and that people will always think of it.

I actually prefer Daedelus and his nephew’s name Perdix or his other son Iapyx. (name wise I mean)

Iapyx was a favourite of [name_m]Apollo[/name_m]. The god wanted to confer upon him the gift of prophecy, the lyre, etc.; but Iapyx, wishing to prolong the life of his father, preferred the more tranquil art of healing to all the others.

Perdix was the grandson of [name_f]Athena[/name_f] and nephew of [name_m]Daedalus[/name_m]. Walking on the seashore, he picked up the spine of a fish, or a serpent’s jaw. Imitating it, he took a piece of iron and notched it on the edge, and thus invented the saw. He put two pieces of iron together, connecting them at one end with a rivet, and sharpening the other ends, and made a pair of compasses. [name_m]Daedalus[/name_m] was so envious of his nephew’s accomplishments that he took an opportunity, when they were together one day on the top of a high tower, to push him off. But [name_f]Athena[/name_f], who favors ingenuity, saw him falling and arrested his fate by changing him into a bird called after his name, the Perdix (partridge). This bird does not build its nest in the trees, nor take lofty flights, but nestles in the hedges, and mindful of his fall, avoids high places

I love the name [name_m]Icarus[/name_m], the name means “He Follows”
I think it is a lovely name!

I’m glad you asked this as I came here to do the same. I’m kind of digging it these days and wondered if others thought it a workable name. I think it’s quite magical and its more than a one note kinda name (if that makes sense)… I like that about it :slight_smile:

Bump/ curious what others think :slight_smile:

I kind of like it…
My mom used to read me all those mythologies as a child so I am well aware of the [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] and the sun story and I’m not fazed by this association.
With all the [name_m]Issac[/name_m]‘s and [name_m]Lucas[/name_m]’ out there… why not [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]?

The complicated, tragic mythological association would make this a heavy name to bear, and I dislike the Ick- prefix. I love [name_m]Atlas[/name_m] and [name_f]Clio[/name_f] and [name_f]Elektra[/name_f] and even [name_f]Phaedra[/name_f], but [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is not for me.

love it! but there is the Icky nickname

Well his myth isnt my favorite but it’s still a cool name. Although the Icky part is terrible. I still believe that [name_m]Daedalus[/name_m] is a more bad a ** name.

It’s kinda cute, I actually like it! I was unaware of the myth. However would be concerned it would be shortened to Icky. Though even Icky isn’t so bad.

As a first name, I wouldn’t use [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]. As a middle name, I would most definitely use it!

If you really like [name_m]Icarus[/name_m], then go for it. Obviously, the Icky nickname is possible, but so is the “cooler” nickname [name_m]Iggy[/name_m]. Maybe he’ll prefer to go by his initials, maybe he’ll be a fast runner and earn the title of “Speedy” or “[name_m]Flash[/name_m]”, you never know what the child might prefer to be called. And depending on your school system, other kids might not even be aware of the mythology for quite a while. I say its usable, I would love to meet a little boy named [name_m]Icarus[/name_m].

I would never name my own son [name_m]Icarus[/name_m], and I will always associate him with the mythology, because [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] had a such tragic fate, but then most of the people in Greek Mythology had. If you like it - go for it. [name_m]Just[/name_m] be aware that it may be an heavy burden - and the nickname Icky can happen.

I love the way [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] sounds and think, although a bit heavy, it’s the kind of name that will define your son. He will undoubtedly learn to “own” the name.

That said, my only concern would be the nickname Icky.

I would use [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] in the mn spot. Have you considered [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m]?

I think it would be usable in the middle name position, but I’m not so sure about the first name position. The nickname “Ick/Icky” comes up in my mind.

I don’t think the tragic association matters at all, but the Ic- sound definitely gives me pause. I agree that it would be better in the middle.