Find your name on the list and take note of the ranking of each name.
If you are a girl, look at the list of boy’s names in your birth year and find the male name that is ranked the same as your name. This is your new name.
For example:
My name is [name]Madeleine[/name] [name]Jean[/name]. In 1990, [name]Madeleine[/name] was ranked #577. [name]Jean[/name] was ranked #772.
Based on the same name rankings in the boys’ category, my new name would be [name]Toby[/name] [name]Raheem[/name].
[name]Niamh[/name] [name]Clare[/name] 1998
[name]Niamh[/name] and the spellng [name]Clare[/name] aint there so i chose [name]Maeve[/name] (881) [name]Claire[/name] (91)
boy name: [name]Jimmie[/name] [name]Jeffrey[/name]
neither of my names were spelt right on the list
[name]Tarra[/name] [name]Leeanne[/name] 1998
[name]Tarra[/name] - [name]Tara[/name] #189
[name]Leeanne[/name] - [name]Leanne[/name] #781
In 1996 my name was [name]Millie[/name] [name]Mary[/name] ([name]Millie[/name] wasn’t there but the close [name]Mollie[/name] was #552 and [name]Mary[/name] #44). If I’d been a boy in the same year my name would have been [name]Gunnar[/name] [name]Patrick[/name].
My name is [name]Kyla[/name] [name]Amy[/name]. In 1998, [name]Kyla[/name] was ranked #264. [name]Amy[/name] was ranked #96.
Based on the same name rankings in the boys’ catagory, my new name would be Domincik [name]Marcus[/name].