I want to start by saying I know this is ridiculous.
We’re expecting our third & I have unintentionally boxed myself into a bit of a pattern with my kids’ names that I would like to keep… if possible. Maybe I just need to accept my kids’ names won’t have symmetry… BUT, I figured if anyone could come up with the right name, it would be this community!
My son’s name is Luka Daniel, my daughter’s name is Kaja (danish spelling of Kaia) Eden.
I am looking for BOY names that…
- Are 4 letters
- End with “a”
- Aren’t biblical (I want to keep the middle names biblical but not the first)
- Doesn’t start with L (like Luka,) K (like Kaja,) or M (like me and my husband’s names)
- Isn’t meaningless / doesn’t have a strange meaning
- And… needs to be easy to pronounce in both English and Danish. (My husband is Danish and we live in Denmark.) If you’re unfamiliar with Danish pronunciation, it means things like NO R’S IN THE MIDDLE (I can’t pronounce “Sara” here to save my life) & no “Z”s… they pronounce them like “S”s. Also no “Th” (that sound is really hard for Danes, haha.)
I have a surprisingly long list of girl names that fit these requirements! But we don’t know the gender yet & I’m racking my brain to think of even one boy option that I like.
Last note - if you can’t find a name that fits my stupid little riddle of hopes, I’m open to suggestions in general.
Thanks in advance. I hope this is a fun activity for someone out there, ha!