I'm so in love with this website.

I seriously talk about it all the time and it’s so helpful to me as a writer. I just wish that there was a smart phone app for it. Is there any talk of that happening?

I used to love this website, but lately I’m starting to realize that the ‘name descriptions’ (if that’s what you can even call them) of many of the names listed on this website are only opinions of the website creators instead of a factual description of the name. I’m not talking about including your opinion while actually giving facts about the name, I mean full opinions with absolutely zero facts in the description. I find it quite hard to take a name website seriously when the only thing you can learn about a name from the website is that whoever wrote the ‘desription’ either likes the name or doesn’t.

I haven’t heard anything about an app in the works.

I agree about the descriptions being opinions & sometimes snarky ones at that! And most of the ones they review pretty negatively feel kind of up& coming and hip so I would just ignore it!

But the forums are so great & helpful!

And the blog is interesting most of the time.