In search of G

I need boy names that begin with G, because of family tradition, but I can’t find many I’m happy with–not [name]George[/name] or [name]Greg[/name] or [name]Gary[/name] or [name]Garrett[/name] or [name]Geoffrey[/name] or Gianmarco…The ones I dislike the least are [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grey[/name], and (my favorite) [name]Grover[/name]. The more I think of [name]Grover[/name] the more I love it…What do you think? Are there other boy names out there I’m missing? Can I get away with [name]Grover[/name]?

Unfortunately, [name]Grover[/name] will always be a fuzzy muppet to me…I like [name]Griffin[/name] a lot.
Have you considered [name]Gordon[/name]?

I love [name]Grover[/name]!

I posted it on another site, and someone responded, and I quote, “I think if I met a [name]Grover[/name], I’d laugh hysterically thinking of [name]Sesame[/name] [name]Street[/name].” :frowning: I’m hoping that’s not the general reaction because I would seriously love to meet a little [name]Grover[/name]! (For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t laugh hysterically–I’d be grinning like an idiot!)

Other than [name]Grover[/name] and [name]Gray[/name]/[name]Grey[/name]/[name]Grayson[/name] (which is my favorite “G” name), what about:

[name]Glover[/name] (possibly more usable than [name]Grover[/name]? Personally, I like [name]Grover[/name], but the poster who replied to me seemed to think it was more usable…)

Good luck!

[name]Gavin[/name], [name]Gideon[/name], [name]Giovanni[/name]

I also think of [name]Grover[/name] as the fuzzy monster.

[name]Gage[/name] (i know someone who spelled it Gaeg)

As far as [name]Grover[/name]…ehh, I grew up with watching [name]Sesame[/name] [name]Street[/name], so i made that connection…not right away though, so maybe others won’t? I think it actually sounds alright as a name…it has a well…soft, fuzzy…sweetness to it (sorry) for a little boy, but also sounds like it would work for a teen and adult…

Sorry for posting again…it won’t let me edit my previous post…

Since its a family tradition, if it has been going on for generations, is there a way you can select the name of an ancestor or something? That way it would honor someone and still continue the tradition.

[name]Grover[/name] is a muppet to me. Or a hipster baby, as it was used on an episode of Portlandia.

G names:


I think you still have some good options. [name]Graham[/name] is very fresh, smart, and stylish. I think it may be on its way up (slightly) so it wouldn’t be totally out there. [name]Gareth[/name] is normal sounding but has very romantic, mythological roots. Garron is to [name]Garret[/name] what [name]Weston[/name] is to [name]Westley[/name]. It’s the fresh new version. The bass player of one of my favorite bands is named Garron.

I am not a fan of [name]Grover[/name], but there is nothing wrong with it either. I just feel like there are so many handsome G names, [name]Grover[/name] doesn’t compare.


[name]Graham[/name] is my first thought!

I’m with most of the others. [name]Grover[/name] would always make me think of the (adorable) blue muppet and expose the poor child to teasing. I like some of the names already suggested:

Additional names to consider:

I really like [name]Grover[/name]! I happen to love G- names, my favorites being:


I think [name]Grover[/name] is usable! I also love the suggestion of [name]Graham[/name]. My other idea would be [name]Gideon[/name]… so strong and handsome.

I think [name]Grover[/name] is really cute and it was my first thought when reading your post.
I also thought of Grayer which is similar to [name]Grover[/name] while being a bit softer, some might consider it sarcastic but my friend used as a MN for her son Jasper and I think it sounds really cute.
Grier might also work as a name.
[name]Grayson[/name] might be a full name for [name]Gray[/name].

What do you think of [name]Garvey[/name]? It has the same G, V, and R that [name]Grover[/name] has, but without the [name]Sesame[/name] [name]Street[/name] association. [name]Garvey[/name] sounds athletic to me.



I think [name]Grover[/name] is worlds ahead of [name]Graham[/name], but my favorite suggestion so far is [name]Gage[/name]. I also adore [name]Gideon[/name].

I would be so thrilled to meet a [name]Grover[/name]! If [name]Oscar[/name] can get past his Muppet association, why can’t [name]Grover[/name]?

What about [name]Garnet[/name]? I knew an [name]Indian[/name] man with this name. I thought it sounded so nice. Pronounced gar NET.

I love [name]Grove[/name]…and much prefer it to [name]Grover[/name].

My grandfather’s middle name was Griswold.

I also like Gotham.

Others are Grin, Grinner, Grimm, Gingham, Glass, [name]Gulliver[/name], Garden, Gelson, Glee, Geyser, Glacier, Giulian, Gilligan, Gates, Grissom, Gridley, [name]Garland[/name], and [name]Glasgow[/name].

[name]Gannon[/name], [name]Grant[/name], [name]Graham[/name], [name]Gable[/name], [name]Gunnar[/name], [name]Greyson[/name], [name]Gaston[/name]