See the results of this poll: What do you think of Indiana?
Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)
- Girls Name : 8 (20%)
- Boys Name : 9 (22%)
- Truly Unisex : 6 (15%)
- Love It : 6 (15%)
- Like It : 3 (7%)
- …It sounds alright…I guess it could be OK… : 3 (7%)
- Hate It: 6 (15%)
Asides from [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name] I’ve only ever seen in on girls. I think it sounds more feminine, with [name]Indi[/name] and [name]Anna[/name] in it, more girly prefix and suffixes. I do like it though, I like it a lot.
I would say it’s a boys’ name, but this is purely because of [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name] - I have never met a real life [name]Indiana[/name] or heard of one. Perhaps for a girl you could consider [name]India[/name] instead, as that is definately a girls’ name!
I would definitely say it is a girl’s name. I know a girl nicknamed [name]Indy[/name]. I like it but I don’t love it because I think if you choose to name your child the name of a place/location then all people will ask is why they are named after a state and what the reason behind it is. If there isn’t a reason then it’s kind of odd. I love the name [name]Indy[/name], [name]Indie[/name] though for a girl.
I think it’s unisex. I’m pretty sure [name]Casey[/name] Affleck has a boy named [name]Indiana[/name], though I think it works really well on a girl! [name]Love[/name] it and never in a million years talk my husband into it. I did get fairly close to talking him into [name]Ingrid[/name] with the nn [name]Indy[/name] for a girl, but I think that’s off the table for him too.
I like [name]Indiana[/name] for a boy, reminds me of the handsome [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name]! In australia names like this (ie place names, unisex names) arent popular for girls so it wouldnt be too shocking to meet a boy named [name]Indiana[/name].