Indigo for a Boy?

I like the name Indigo but only for a boy (I feel that India is the feminine version/equivalent). Is this name to o out there? Is it too gender neutral?


I would name a boy [name_u]Indigo[/name_u].


I love this name! I would love to make the nn [name_u]Indy[/name_u] work but my husband is super traditional with names.


I first heard [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] on a boy, and it’s still one of my favourites. It has a soft, gentle, caring feel about it, and I think it’s just as legitimate for a boy as a girl. Definitely not too out there, and being gender neutral is precisely why it’s so versatile; it could work for anyone.


I actually came across [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] on a boy before I’d seen it on a girl!! I like it!!


i think that it’s totally wearable on a boy! it’s a color, and colors don’t have genders, so it definitely works. it fits right in with all the current trends yet feels fresh. i like it!


Thanks for the help! I would describe my naming style as vintage revival with a twist. I’m looking at names just for fun at the moment and Indigo is by far the quirkiest name I’ve considered. If I did decide to use it someday, I’d probably use it as a middle name with a more traditional first name. I struggle to see this name as anything other than masculine since the color indigo is a deep, vaguely purplish blue. P.S. I think Ike would be a great nickname.

I would totally make my baby boy Indigo!! I love it!

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I think [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] is great for a boy! I would be very happy to meet one. I do consider [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] gender neutral, which means it can fit a boy very well. (I prefer it slightly on a boy, but it can work for either sex.)

[name_u]Indigo[/name_u] is completely gender neutral to me, and by that I mean it fits a boy or a girl equally well. I don’t think it’s too out there - it’d be really cool to meet a little boy called [name_u]Indigo[/name_u]. :blue_heart: However, if you want a name that’s obviously masculine, [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] probably isn’t the one. [name_m]Inigo[/name_m] could be an alternative?

I considered Inigo very briefly, but discarded it quickly because of the Princess Bride reference. I have some reservations about giving a real child a gender neutral name. This is all hypothetical naming so negative opinions are welcome

It sounds perfectly gender neutral to me, I can see it on anybody. I think it’s a cool name for a boy!

Gut reaction: I like it! For a boy or girl!

literally my fav name ever for a boy :weary: i love it and idk why it doesn’t get more love!
i even think it’s way more cutter on a boy than on a girl, i guess i just don’t see it on a girl bc of the ending in “o”
and btw i think this is probably the first time i see people talking about [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] for a boy!

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I know two boys named [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] at it sounds good! I was surprised for like five minutes when I met the first one, but it works well. And I like it more as a male name

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