So, the book I was going towards getting published needs a new title. After mt co-auther backed out on me, I’ve been set back a bit. [name_f]My[/name_f] editor is being extremely understanding but I do still have a deadline. I’m re-writing a bit and trying to think of a title. I’m terrible at titles! I thought I’d ask you berries for some help. This was “The Awakening” but I feel like I need something a bit spicier. Here’s the plot.
Eons ago, in order to bring peace to her people, the goddess Etrean created a power known as the [name_u]Flame[/name_u]. Once given to humans, a Darkness corrupted the [name_u]Flame[/name_u] and rather than unite her people, the [name_u]Flame[/name_u] brought only bloodshed and chaos.
Now, The Order of the [name_m]Black[/name_m] [name_u]Flame[/name_u] rules the land and all those with the [name_u]Flame[/name_u] are subject to their whims. They bring death and pain where ever they go. Hoping to defeat the scourge of The Order, a clumsy traveler, a crazy woman, and a host of other unlikely heroes will join forces and attempt to stand against those who would push the world beyond the brink. They will fight to stop mankind from burning in the fires of the [name_m]Black[/name_m] [name_u]Flame[/name_u].
Have at it. I have no specific things it needs in the title at the moment ask questions if you need to. Thanks!
Ok, so I tried this website: and messed around with some words you mentioned, and some I came up with myself. These are the three sets they gave me. I deleted repeats.
Title One: Dark Saviours Of Black Betrayers
Title Two: The Black Rebellion
Title Three: The Flame Of Dark Saviours
Title Four: Dark Rebellion
Title Five: The Extinguishing Flame
Title Six: Awakening Betrayers
Title Seven: Extinguishing Saviours
Title Eight: Black Awakening
Title Nine: Awakening for Betrayers
Title Ten: Extinguishing and Awakening
Title One: Dark Extinguishers Beneath Black Betrayers
Title Two: The Black Flame
Title Three: The Spark Beneath Dark Extinguishers
Title Four: Dark Flame
Title Five: The Flickering Spark
Title Seven: Flickering Extinguishers
Title Ten: Flickering and Awakening
Title One: Pale Extinguishers Within Cold Betrayers
Title Two: The Cold Flame
Title Three: The Spark Within Pale Extinguishers
Title Four: Pale Flame
Title Eight: Cold Awakening
Wow. I was going to reply, but I think that @renrose covered about everything! [name_f]My[/name_f] favorite is The [name_m]Black[/name_m] Rebellion and Tinderbox. Some of my own include: Darkness Surrounding, The Rebellion, Flames of Darkness, and The Flames Arisen/ The Flames Arising.