Astrid was exactly what I was thinking!!
I think I’d keep his name! It’s awesome. But I’d choose Valentino or Alexander if I had to choose another name.
Here are the rest of my characters.
This is Lucy Mei Cheng, and she goes by Lucy, although her little sister Lyla calls her Lulu. She is a character I created to be one of Esme’s close friends, and I based her off of myself.
Lucy is a pianist, flutist, artist, friend, and straight-A student. She lives in New Jersey with her parents John and Yifan, her 8 (later 9)-year-old sister Lyla. Her parents were born and raised in California, but they moved to New Jersey for university, and have stayed there since. They live just outside of a nice little town.
She has very casual but pretty looking aesthetic, meaning that her wardrobe consists of short skirts, jeans, sweaters, and hoodies on normal days. Her favorite colors to wear are light blue, black, and purple. She is 15 years old at the beginning of the first story, turns 16 in the beginning of the second story, and by the end of the second story is nearly 17. She loves playing the piano (and winning competitions), being in the state youth flute choir, composing music, writing stories, and talking on the phone with friends.
She can appear quiet and studious at first, but once you meet her, she has a very playful, silly, open, and lively personality. But work always comes first to her, especially her music, and she doesn’t like when people get in her way of doing things. Now, with that being said, she will drop everything to be there for you if you are struggling, because despite her withdrawn appearance, she can be the greatest friend ever.
If you could name her, what would you name her?
This is Chloe Victoria Martin, who goes by Chloe most of the time, except when Maddie affectionately calls her Lola or Lovie. She is also one of Esme’s close friends whom I based off of my other story characters Elizabeth, Melinda, and Jordan.
Chloe is a singer, volleyball player, writer, class vice-president, and literally the greatest friend ever. She lives in New Jersey with her parents Christopher and Danielle (she is an only child) and her cat Lily. Her mom was born in Michigan and her dad was born in Virginia, and her parents met at university in New York. After that, Danielle eventually got a job as a nurse in New Jersey, so they’ve lived there nearly all of Chloe’s life.
Chloe has a very casual, comfortable, bright aesthetic. She frequently wears jeans with sweaters or t-shirts. She’s not very fashionable and doesn’t care for fashion, but people tell her she looks lovely all the time. Her favorite colors to wear are yellow, green, and blue. She is 15 years old at the beginning of the first story and has just turned 16 at the end of the second story. She loves swimming, reading, participating and organizing school activities, doing church events, hanging out with friends, and visiting her cousin Ashley.
She is a very bright, friendly, and open girl, and she has a very bubbly personality. She cares very deeply for people and wants everyone to feel accepted, explaining why nearly everyone loves her. She tends to overthink, or take things to far, but is always ready to make it right. She has a ready smile that people gravitate towards and a very sunny disposition, even in hard times. Her friends call her their group’s mother figure.
If you could name her, what would you name her?
This is Juliette London Gardner, who goes by Juliette only, although her sister teases her by calling her Juli. She is also one of Esme’s close friends.
Juliette is a serious athlete, a percussionist, and an actor. She lives in New Jersey with her parents Deshawn and Tamika, and her older sister Jasmine. They have an older brother named Jaylen who is away at university. Their parents were both born and raised in Texas. They lived in Texas until Juliette was born, and then they moved to New Jersey to be close to Tamika’s brother. Juliette has no memory of living in Texas.
Juliette’s aesthetic is the more sporty version of Maddie’s. She likes to be fashionable and upscale looking, but in an athletic style (sweatsuits, fancy sneakers, skorts, big t-shirts…). Juliette loves wearing the colors black, blue, and pink. She is 16 at the beginning of the first story, and newly turned 17 at the end of the second story. She loves playing volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, swimming, participating in the school’s drama department, banging the bass drum in the school band, and talking up a storm with friends. She also loves her family, especially her grandmother Julia, whom she was named after.
She is very outgoing, confident, and hardworking, and can appear to have a very tough exterior. She can appear cocky, belligerent, stubborn, or prideful at times, and she does work on that. She also has a tendency to forget things when hard times come. But she is loyal and protective to her core, and she really does have a good sense of humor.
If you could name her, what would you name her?
This is Helena Lily Zhang, who primarily goes by Helena, but is Leni or Lena to her older brother and some of her friends. She is another one of Esme’s close friends.
Helena is an artist, designer, writer, singer, and basically a silent hero. She lives in New Jersey with her parents Bruce and Lily, and while her brother James in at university, his university is local, so he stays weekends at home. Her father, Bruce, immigrated from Taiwan as a child, while her mother Lily was raised in Indiana, although Lily’s parents were Chinese immigrants. They moved to New Jersey because Lily got a teaching job at a local university. James and Helena were both born in New Jersey.
Helena’s style and aesthetic is calm and comfortable. She likes comfortable clothes like hoodies, sweatpants, leggings, and t-shirts, and cool, calm colors, like pale blue, green, pink, purple, and white. She is 15 at the beginning of the first story, and turns 16 midway through the second story. She loves writing and reading stories, painting and drawing, designing clothes and houses, singing and listening to music, and silently listening to her friends. Sadly, she has a strained relationship with her father due to her father only wanting one child, and only wanting a son. However, recently Helena’s relationship with him is beginning to improve, although she has many emotional scars from it.
She is very shy, quiet, thoughtful, and withdrawn, while somehow still being an amazing friend. She has unresolved life trauma (see above), doesn’t share her thoughts with people, and neglects herself in favor of helping others. But these flaws do make her a great friend, and a very sympathetic listener, and people talk to her about their problems quite frequently.
If you could name her, what would you name her?