šŸŖ is andromeda too much?

iā€™ve liked Andromeda for quite a while now, but whenever i see it on my list, i canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s maybe too much on a real person. it has two strong associations to me: the figure from greek mythology and space (both the galaxy and the constellation), and iā€™m not sure if those associations make it better or worse!

the nicknames Anna, Annie, Andie, and Romy make it a bit more usable to me, but iā€™m still unsure.

so, as a first name, how usable is Andromeda?

  • definitely usable
  • usable, but itā€™s pretty out there
  • kind of usable
  • not usable
0 voters

as a middle name, how usable is Andromeda?

  • definitely usable
  • usable, but itā€™s pretty out there
  • kind of usable
  • not usable
0 voters

taking usability into consideration, do you prefer it as a first or middle name?

  • first
  • middle
0 voters

iā€™d love to hear any thoughts or comments on the matter! tia :blue_heart:

I donā€™t super love the sound personally, so if I used it, it would be for a middle name. However, itā€™s easy to spell, has plenty of nicknames, and is absolutely gorgeous, so I think itā€™s absolutely useable. Definitely more out-there, but a completely ā€legitimateā€ name with a really cool history. Iā€™ve actually met a woman called [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f] before. She didnā€™t go by a nickname and it suited her just wonderfully, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I think [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f] is totally usable, and Iā€™m generally a lot more cautious when it comes to usability than most on Nameberry. Yes, itā€™s long and uncommon. But itā€™s easy to pronounce, and four-syllable names starting and ending in A are well-established: [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f], [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f], [name_f]Angelina[/name_f], etc. [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f] is bolder and less common, but it fits that pattern - it doesnā€™t have a super unfamiliar look like, say, [name_f]Xenodice[/name_f] or [name_f]Philophrosyne[/name_f] (not trying to attack these names, I just think theyā€™re examples of names that are way braver choices than [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f] despite being similar in length and ancient-ness). When I was a camp counselor years ago, I actually had a camper named [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f]! Sheā€™d probably be in high school at this point. She wore the name perfectly well.

I would hesitate about plenty of long, ancient names. But I donā€™t think [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f] is too much. I think itā€™s cool and elegant, and stands out as bold and unique without being over-the-top or too strange.

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I think the nickname [name_u]Andi[/name_u] makes it more approachable if at any point it feels like too much name for the wearerā€¦

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I think it has enough usable nicknames that it could work! It would be safer to use as a middle, but it would work as a first

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i definitely think itā€™s usable! i have considered it as a name for myself even, and would do so if i had a child. itā€™s really beautiful.

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