Is Conan not useable?

I really love the name [name]Conan[/name] but I’ve been getting a lot of negative feedback that it is just not useable. It’s a name both me and my husband love. It’s Irish, sounds calm and collected, and relates to nature- it’s meaning is “little wolf”
People say it reminds them of [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian but it gives me a whole different image. Thoughts?

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There are really strong associations with [name]Conan[/name] - [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian, [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name] - and these associations are made stronger by the fact that the name is so unusual (people have no other association for it). However, I wouldn’t really call these associations negative. If you really love it, I would not classify [name]Conan[/name] as unusable (though be prepared for people to say “oh like [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian” when they first hear the name). Once family and friends meet a real life little [name]Conan[/name], the other associations will start to fade.

We very seriously considered this name for our son. Partially because my family is Irish and we wanted to honor that part of his heritage, and partially because my husband is obsessed with [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian movies. We also loved the meaning and the sound of this name. We ended up not using it because the proper pronunciation (the way [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name] pronounces it – CO-nin), while beautiful, rhymes exactly with our last name and I couldn’t stand the way it sounded together. Aside from that, our concerns were that people would pronounce it CO-nan or that people would think we named him after the Barbarian or O’[name]Brien[/name]. However, if the name hadn’t rhymed with our last name, we would have gone with it anyway despite those concerns. Like pp said, once people meet him, he will supplant any other images of any [name]Conan[/name] they had in their mind previously. And it’s such a lovely name. I desperately wish we could have used it because it checked off [aside from rhyming with our last name] all our boxes and we love it so much. I would absolutely love to meet a little [name]Conan[/name]. It has a soft sound, but a strong meaning and masculine image (because of the Barbarian association – not all a bad thing!) I think it’s the perfect name for a little boy and for a man as well. I would be thoroughly jealous of any parents who were able to use this name. It remains one of my loves.

We’re considering this for a boy ourselves. The problem is, I frequently err in my pronunciation and my husband gets frustrated at me. I say co-[name]NAN[/name], improperly even when referring to the TV host, so I would have to break myself of that. CO-nin is much better. So I guess my point is if you’re not having my problem pronouncing the name than go for it, it’s strong and unique and lovely. Be aware though that some dopes like me are probably in the habit of saying it wrong so you might have to correct :slight_smile:

Useable, totally useable is the bottom line in my opinion.

I always thought it was pronounced Co-[name]NAN[/name]. Co-nin sounds much better. I don’t think the name unusable at all. But I also agree with pp. You need to be prepared, especially in the beginning, that people might comment on it.

I think it’s totally useable. Yes there are strong associations with the name, but they’re not at all bad imo. A very popular, nice guy I went to school with is named [name]Conan[/name]. He was from South [name]Africa[/name], and yeah people made little friendly jokes about his name, but it was never considered something… bizarre or horrible haha.

It does remind me of the late night talk show host [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name], but I still think it’s a great name. There will always be people who have the name you love, but unless they are REAL and have completely stained the name (e.g. Hitler) I’d go with your dream name.

I think it’s handsome, but I do think of [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian at first. The “CO-nin” pronunciation is the way to go.
If it’s softness and wolfiness you’re after, there’s also [name]Conall[/name], Cuan, and Conri - Irish names with similar meanings. I’m also fond of [name]Randolf[/name]/[name]Randolph[/name].

Apologies for the deviation from the original topic, but … Oooohhh … [name]Conall[/name]. That’s a new one to me, and I love the legends behind it and the sound of it. And this one doesn’t rhyme with our last name!!! Thanks emmabobemma! This one is moving to the top of my list.

Oh good! Yes, [name]Conall[/name] is a really graceful name with an interesting history. Much fresher than [name]Connor[/name] [name]IMO[/name].

It’s perfectly usable. Not many people in the baby’s generation will have watched [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian. There’s a [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name] night show host isn’t there? If you love the name use it.

I love the Co-nin pronunciation. I always said Co-nan (like the Barbarian). I’ll have to see what the husband thinks of the name. Is there an alternative spelling? [name]Conan[/name] implies Co-[name]NAN[/name] not Co-[name]NIN[/name]. Is Conin a legitimate spelling?

I love [name]Conan[/name], and think it’s completely usable. It’s different, ages well, and will fit in with many name styles/trends. I’ve never seen [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian or [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name]'s shows, so it doesn’t remind me of either of those. However, it does remind me of Sir [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Conan[/name] [name]Doyle[/name], the author of [name]Sherlock[/name] [name]Holmes[/name]. Which, [name]IMO[/name], is a pretty cool association.

CO-nin is the proper Irish pronunciation of [name]Conan[/name]. Conin is not a legitimate spelling, at least not for this name. It’s possible Conin is a different name in another culture, but if you want the Gaelic name, [name]Conan[/name] is it.

What’s interesting to me is that every single name in the world reminds me of SOMETHING or someone else (in pop culture) . . . UNTIL I meet someone with the name. Take [name]Fiona[/name] - for me it was always the green ogre UNTIL I met a beautiful teenage girl with the name. Now I think of her (and no, I do not connect her with the ogre either) when I hear the name [name]Fiona[/name].

Basically what I’m saying is that if people only know of [name]Conan[/name] O’[name]Brien[/name] or [name]Conan[/name] the Barbarian they are going to think of that initially UNTIL they meet your little boy and begin to associate the name with him. I hope this makes sense, because basically I am saying absolutely 100% go for it!

I think it’s usable and quite handsome.

[name]Conan[/name] does have strong (but harmless) pop culture associations, and I think that can blind people who don’t know anything else about the name. Once they meet your [name]Conan[/name], he will become their primary association, and they’ll get over it.