Sorry, I don’t care for it at all. Very dusty, old man vibe. [name_m]Albert[/name_m] would be a much better choice [name_f]IMO[/name_f] and you would get to very similar nicknames.
It’s very old. I’d expect it on a 80 year old man not a baby. [name_m]Albie[/name_m] or [name_u]Bertie[/name_u] is a better alternative it’s more wearable for a kid but [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] is very clunky.
@jonquils - I have [name_f]Elma[/name_f] on my list for a girl, however with [name_m]Elmer[/name_m], I just can’t get past [name_m]Elmer[/name_m] Fudd
I do agree it sounds very sweet though, I just hate that association.
I personally don’t think it’s too old man, though it’s close to the edge. I think nickname [name_u]Bert[/name_u]/[name_u]Bertie[/name_u] has a hipster-cool vibe going on that helps modernize it, even though it’s vintage. I think it’s wearable.
[name_m]Elbert[/name_m] is not my cup of tea, but the nickname “[name_u]Bertie[/name_u]” is adorable. [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] is certainly old and fusty, not even a grandpa name–more like a great-great-grandpa name. But that’s totally insignificant if you love the name! Everyone has a different taste, you know.
If you’re concerned about what other people will think of it, you could always use it as a middle name.
I think it’s dusty old man along the lines of [name_m]Archibald[/name_m]. And I love that style. I think you have to be the person who doesn’t care that most people won’t like it. If you are, I think it’s an awesome choic
I’m not keen on [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] personally. I am all for bringing back vintage names but to me [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] sounds so old, it’s archaic. I think where I live a name like [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] would get a lot of raised eyebrows and quizzical looks. But if older-style names are more popular where you live, then perhaps it would be okay.
I don’t really see how [name_m]Elbert[/name_m] is any different to [name_m]Albert[/name_m] so I definitely think it’s usable and it’s a bit different to all the current popular vintage names! Elbie as a nn is cute too.