Is Elwes to odd to be a first name?

So I kind of have a little subgenre of name loves of just surnames of celebrities I admire (Lennon, Presley ect). Well one of my absolute favorite actors is Cary Elwes. And he has a special place in my heart because he is the main actor in one of the only movies me and my dad both love. Saw.

I was wondering if Elwes is to odd to be a first name? I kind of like the sound and there are several nicknames I enjoy. Ellie, Elsie, Wes, Essie.

What do you think?

I also have Cary on my list btw but I probably wont ever get to use it.


How do you pronounce it? Ell-wes?

(sorry, I’ve never actually heard of the actor…)

Still, I think it could work - the nicknames make it feel usable and it’s got the vibe of Ellis/Ellison, [name_m]Webster[/name_m], [name_m]Wells[/name_m] etc


I think it’s in the same world as [name_f]Elfrida[/name_f], [name_f]Elowen[/name_f], [name_f]Elva[/name_f]. :sparkles: Very magical and I’ll add it to my list :smiling_face: I wouldn’t think it’s a surname at all.

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I pronounce it like Ell-wes

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I personally wouldn’t use it but I think it’s definitely doable as a first name!

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I think it is definitely useable! I was also unsure of pronunciation at first glance but I think once you explain then people will pick it up quickly.

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It totally works! People will probably be unsure about the pronunciation, but it wouldn’t take long for them to get used to it. I also love [name_u]Cary[/name_u] Elwes, but for The [name_f]Princess[/name_f] [name_f]Bride[/name_f] :grin:

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I actually think it’s pretty cute and I think it works, but I’ve never heard it pronounced that way, I’ve only heard pronounced like ELWS (it’s hard to explain, but it basically sounds close to exactly the same as the name [name_f]Elle[/name_f], with a slight W sound), but maybe I’ve only heard it mispronounced. Either way I think it’s cute and it’s works

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