Is Ida that bad?

I like [name]Ida[/name] and would love to meet someone named that. (I never have.) I preferred [name]Ada[/name] in your other post because I have a personal connection to it because it’s my grandma’s name.

It’s not my grandma’s name - it was actually HER grandma’s name.

My family initial-matches for namesakes.

So [name]Ida[/name] > granddaughter [name]Irene[/name] who was my grandmother > my future daughter I-something.

Personally, I actually find [name]Ida[/name] fresher sounding in the [name]Ava[/name]/[name]Ada[/name]/[name]Ivy[/name] family than [name]Irene[/name], despite being the younger name in my family tree. Cyclical, etc.

I prefer [name]Ida[/name] to [name]Isla[/name], though [name]Isla[/name] is currently far more stylish. [name]Iris[/name] is old-ladyish but I like it too; it has the mythological connection.

I’m not a huge fan of the sound… and in my mind it is a permanent ‘grandma name’, I have a great-aunt [name]Ida[/name] who is 90. :confused: I think [name]Ada[/name] is much cuter.

I like [name]Ida[/name]. I see the name as fresh and spunky. I know two little Idas, age 4 and age 1.5. In my area the name is definitely making a comeback.

[name]Do[/name] people have an issue with [name]Ida[/name]? I like it! I think it’s cute and spunky. I only know one [name]Ida[/name] and she is in her 30s and super cute and sporty. I much prefer [name]Ida[/name] to [name]Ada[/name].

I don’t see anything wrong with [name]Ida[/name]. It may have an old lady image, but that’s not stopping plenty of names from gaining popularity.

I know an [name]Ida[/name] and as far as I know no one thinks her name is weird.

I love it! Have a great aunt who everyone called [name]Ida[/name] (born in WWI) - but her name was [name]Idalia[/name]. I’d be tempted to use it but my sister in law has bagsed [name]Dalia[/name] if she ever has a daughter. We are very close so I feel it’s too similar. [name]LOVELY[/name] NAME THOUGH! :slight_smile:

I don’t see anything wrong with it at all. It’s lovely! There’s a little [name]Ida[/name] at [name]Hazel[/name]'s daycare and she’s adorable and suits the name perfectly.

I love [name]Ida[/name]…gorgeous and simple, my favourite type of girl’s name.