I always keep thinking my name is extremely childish, And as someone coming from a very religious [name_m]German[/name_m] family, [name_f]My[/name_f] name is [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] and it sounds like an extremely childish & religious sounding name (well, to me) which makes me pretty mad. I dont know about others, but the name [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] sounds like it fits a [name_m]Young[/name_m] Child more than my age. I always lie about my name being “Jeroen” Because it sounds like a pretty solid and good name that fits any age, But the fact i cant lie about my Name in school is just pretty infuriating. [name_m]Can[/name_m] anyone please give me their opinion on whether my name sounds childish or not?
I don’t personally think [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] is childish.
Regardless, I’m sorry you dislike your name – could you go by a nickname at school that you like better? Maybe [name_u]Eli[/name_u]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] if you have a middle name you could use?
Oh I certainly don’t think so! I know a handful of men named [name_u]Elijah[/name_u]. It’s very established and classic. In fact, I can hardly picture calling a baby ‘Elijah,’ as it seems like a more mature name.
I can understand why you might feel that way, biblical names seem a lot more common among younger people, and I do think of [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] as pretty modern. I might be a little surprised if I met one over 40, but it also wouldn’t feel super weird or anything. It doesn’t feel childish in an immature way though, just more common with younger people than older people. (I’m not [name_m]German[/name_m] though so idk how differently it’s seen there)
I do not find [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] childish at all. I think [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] is strong, handsome and timeless. [name_f]My[/name_f] mother is Jewish this name is popular within her community and my partner is Ugandan [name_u]Christian[/name_u] born in [name_u]London[/name_u] again this name is common within his community (amongst [name_u]Christian[/name_u] Africans in fact) so I would say this name is a universal choice that’s timeless. Definitely not childish. I have [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] [name_u]Gideon[/name_u] [name_m]Hopewell[/name_m] on my list!
I love [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] personally don’t think it is childish – I always thought of it as more of an adult name – the Elijahs I know/know of are all 30+
[name_u]Elijah[/name_u] doesn’t feel childish to me - feels pretty timeless, classic and solid. Maybe that feeling comes from the softer sounds - or maybe it’s just because currently, [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] has become quite popular amongst new parents, so a lot of Elijahs are younger than you?
Still, if it makes you uncomfortable, and, in the future, would rather be [name_m]Jeroen[/name_m], then that’s totally up to you - whatever makes you comfortable. [name_f]Do[/name_f] your school give the option to have a preferred name?
Over all though, for what it’s worth, [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] doesn’t sound childish to me
I have never thought of [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] as a childish name. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the common nickname, [name_u]Eli[/name_u], doesn’t sound childish to me.
As far as religiosity, I think of [name_u]Elijah[/name_u] as being a slightly religious name, but I don’t think of [name_u]Eli[/name_u] as being religious at all.
This is all coming from an English-speaking American perspective.