Is Navy usable?

[name_u]Or[/name_u] is it more guilty pleasure?

I like it, think it is a more adventurously usable option.

Hm… I’ve never heard this as a name before, but I kind of like it!
It does have quite strong military + blue associations, but these give it a bold, nautical vibe.

I wouldn’t personally use it but I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Usable, sure, and a nice sound, so long as you don’t mind the military associations

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Personally no. I get that it’s a colour name but the colour is named after the armed force in the first place. Seems very odd to me to use a military section as a name.

Yes usable

I like [name_u]Navy[/name_u] as a name. I totally understand that the military meaning is worth taking into consideration and that connotation doesn’t appeal to me. I like the colour association, the N and V sounds and the ee ending. It sounds sweet and usable to me from this perspective. I also love [name_f]Novalie[/name_f], which doesn’t have the naval complication. Lastly, I find that [name_u]Navy[/name_u] on a girl is more removed from the military association of the navy that it would be on a girl, military and masculinity being extremely interwoven.

I think it’s usable and adorable! I would spell it [name_f]Navie[/name_f] and that might get rid of the military connections but overall it’s so cute. :sparkling_heart:

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I really like [name_u]Navy[/name_u] for a girl! I think it’s picking up popularity, two major IG influencers have named their daughters navy

Not my style and has too many strong word associations for my taste, but if those don’t bother you I think it is usable.

i think navy is definitely usable! i think of the color before i think of the military; seems to be in a similar vein as sailor or sawyer! definitely adventurous, but not unusable! :anchor::sunrise::ocean:

I think it’s totally usable, at least in the US! It’s in the top 500 girls names currently. I think [name_u]Navy[/name_u] is sweet and fun!

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