I LOVE [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] but isn’t it too cute with [name_u]Pippin[/name_u]? I’ve thought of [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] but it just doesn’t work for me. What do you think?
P.S. [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] has a lot to do with [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] [name_u]Laurence[/name_u]
P.P.S. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to give me all sorts of feedback; for now, I’m just collecting the names I like
I like [name_u]Pippin[/name_u] [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] very much (love Pippin!). Not too cute at all. I like this spelling of [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] too.
It does seem a little cutesy to me… Maybe [name_u]Pippin[/name_u] [name_f]Lorelei[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] [name_f]Penelope[/name_f]?
How about having [name_f]Philippa[/name_f] as the full first name and then calling her [name_u]Pippin[/name_u]? [name_f]Philippa[/name_f] [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] gives more room for growth and options for later in life if your kid wants, but you can still use [name_u]Pippin[/name_u] as a nickname as much as you want with the fallback option of [name_f]Philippa[/name_f]!