I’ve recently fallen in love with the name [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f]. But I’m afraid it is way too close to my name, [name_f]Klara[/name_f]. I’m wondering, it is even possible to name your child [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f] when your name is [name_f]Klara[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] is it just weird.
I don’t think it’s common for there to be a mother daughter name similarly but I don’t think that makes it not useable. Men often will name their child the same name and add [name_m]Jr[/name_m] at the end so I’d go for it if you love it.
That’s so beautiful! I think it’s wonderful to name your child Clarabelle if you’re called Klara! Then your daughter always carries a special piece of her mama!! Klara is a gorgeous name.
i think that would be pretty weird. you’d both constantly be confusing each other’s names for your own (imagine someone calling out “Klara”, but Clarabelle shows up instead, or vice versa)
it’d probably be more trouble than it’s worth
It is possible of course.
We see sons named after their fathers all the time. If you like the name enough to name your daughter that, go ahead! As a girl sharing the same name as her mother, it was never an issue for either of us. We know when people is talking about one or another. We have pet names at home, and we don’t have the same friends (obviously) so if anyone phones my home asking for “Mary” (i don’t want to share my name in public) we know which one the person wants to talk to.
Fathers name their sons (and even their daughters) after themselves all the time. If it’s considered normal to have a whole family of Matthews, then I don’t see why it should be frowned upon for a mother to name her children after herself. I actually nannied for a family where the mother’s name was Amy and she named her daughter Amy also. Same exact name, spelled exactly the same, and no nicknames - they both went by Amy. I’m sure they have some mix-ups and confusing moments but it’s nothing you can’t just laugh about and move on. Like I said, fathers do it all the time and nobody bats an eyelash if your great great grandpa, great grandpa, grandpa, and dad all have the same name as you, so if you want to name your daughter a name similar to yours I say go for it.
Kids are named after parents and relatives all the time so it’s not unusable. People would assume you named her after yourself though - just depends if that bothers you or not
This! If you were the father naming your son something similar we wouldn’t be having this conversation! I think it’s lovely
Agree with SarahMeganC1 my brother is named after my dad and nobody bats an eye
Not only is it possible, but I think it might even be more common than some realize.
Yes, you see it a bit more these days with men. [name_f]My[/name_f] brother is named after my father (first and middle), who’s named after my grandfather (first and middle), and there are a few other male juniors in my family.
But! I have an aunt who’s named after my grandma (also first and middle), and a cousin who named her daughter a name that rhymes with hers (think like, [name_f]Mia[/name_f] vs. [name_f]Bria[/name_f] but those aren’t their actual names).
I honestly don’t think many people would bat an eye, you’re totally good here.
I think it’s possible. I know a [name_f]Jenna[/name_f], and her mom’s name is [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f].
Its sweet but seems intentionally to be named for you.
I don’t think it’s weird to have a daughter named for her mother, so long as the similarity doesn’t bother you I’d say go for it. The only hesitation I have with that name is the association with [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f] the cow, though that’s not necessarily a horrible association either
[name_f]Do[/name_f] it!! [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f] is such a lovely name.
I grew up with a friend named [name_f]Diane[/name_f], her mother was also [name_f]Diane[/name_f]. [name_m]Young[/name_m] me thought it was a little strange at first, but I realized it wasn’t that weird considering men often name their sons after them (Diane’s brother and father shared a name as well, which is probably why I thought the situation was strange to begin with! I stopped feeling that way eventually, though!)
I think while it’s not necessarily common, it isn’t that out of the ordinary. As other people have commented, you’ll usually be in situations where distinguishing who you’re referring to is obvious. [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f] could even use a nickname if she wanted to! With my friend, I remember when needed, they were “Big Diane” and “Little Diane”. All other times it was obvious who someone was referring to, not confusing at all!
I think your daughter might enjoy sharing that with you. and if anything, she could always go by [name_f]Belle[/name_f] or [name_f]Elle[/name_f] or the many other possible nickname options!!
I definitely think you can use [name_f]Clarabelle[/name_f], though I do want to mention that a lot of people will probably think you named her after yourself. If you don’t mind that, then go for it!!
[name_f]My[/name_f] name rhymes with my moms name and I always thought it was a strange choice but honestly no one said anything about it or seemed to even notice it really, so I say name her what you love.
[name_m]Just[/name_m] realize your name is literally in her name so don’t be surprised if there’s confusion occasionally or people think you named her after you. I dont see a problem with that anyhow. Some names are carried down in families, both male and female so I dont see an issue there at all.
Some people will probably find it weird, to be honest, and it will probably be confusing at times. I’d say give it some time and see how you feel… I find that sometimes I get very excited about a name and feel like I can’t not use it in spite of any issues with it, and then a little while later it’s not such a big deal to let it go.