Is this even usable or should I drop it? Current name crush...

I have a love of ancient Egyptian names as it is, but my current crush is [name]Ramses[/name] or Ramesses.
Is this name even usable now days do you think? Or is it too much?

(Not expecting or anything…just adding to my name list)

[name]Ramses[/name] is a great name so it’s too bad about the condom connection. Personally, I wouldn’t use it. Although they’re not Egyptian, do you like [name]Ramsey[/name]/[name]Ramsay[/name]? I love [name]Ptolemy[/name] although it’s origins are Greek not Egyptian.

I’m not sure. Ha, ha. I’ve collected names so long and long for such obscurity that I’m no longer always rational :wink: Could be said of fellow berries. My immediate reaction was yes~ I do know a little [name]Ramsey[/name] nn [name]Ram[/name] exclusively. When I consider that the same nn for [name]Ramses[/name] takes it down a notch, I vote yes.

I think [name]Ramses[/name] is usable. It’s easily pronounced and vaguely familiar to most people. However, paired with Setra, I’m not sure. [name]Do[/name] you have a very strong affinity to Ancient [name]Egypt[/name]? [name]Do[/name] you want that theme, consciously?

That’s the thing, with Setra already being an egyptian name, and basically having the same meaning as [name]Ramses[/name], I’d be reluctant to go full on with that theme. But yes, I’ve had a strong affinity to Ancient [name]Egypt[/name] since early childhood. (I’ve only had one person know that Setra was an Egyptian name right away, but people are always ask about her name)

I hadn’t thought of [name]Ramsey[/name]…I like it though not quite as much as [name]Ramses[/name], it may be a good option for me though.
I suppose I could try out [name]Ramses[/name] in the middle spot with some of my other favorite names.

I love [name]Ramses[/name] and it’s totally useable. I think most people wouldn’t make the connection with it being Egyptian. Same with Setra. [name]Love[/name] your daughters name and I think the two go well together. :slight_smile:

I like it, but I would balance it with a more mainstream middle.