Is Thomasin too much for a puppy?

I’m madly in love with the name [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f] and [name_f]Thomasine[/name_f] for my black cocker spaniel puppy, but I keep getting off-putting comments from family and friends who dislike the name. Some have told me it is too long (too many syllables) and others say it isn’t appropriate for a dog, even though I’d plan on shortening it to [name_f]Minnie[/name_f] sometimes.

I’m beginning to think [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f] is unusable.

I really like [name_f]Sophie[/name_f], too, which everyone says I should use instead of [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f]. I suppose the only thing that puts me off about [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] is how common it is.

Should I just let go of [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f]?

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I think with pets you can go as adventurous, flamboyant or fun as you want. With naming pets it’s your opportunity to embrace your inner name nerd. So I say go for [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f]! This reminds me of fellow berry @EloiseT who has a puppy named [name_f]Pomeline[/name_f].

I just have to say I’m jealous and wishing you all the best with your puppy


i actually think a dog named sophie is much more off putting than a thomasin. i don’t see anything wrong with it, fur babies are meant for your guilty pleasure names! i don’t think it’s too long either, especially saying it quickly, it really should be fine. i can perfectly picture that little dog named thomasin!

i say go for it and share a picture!

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It’s an animal - you can name it whatever you want! They’ll never have to apply for a job or go to school or anything.

The only thing I would say is that dogs tend to do best with short, snappy names that catch their attention, especially in a situation where you need to get their attention. [name_f]Minnie[/name_f] fits that well!

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I think it’s darling :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it too long, perfectly lovely! And anyway, pets get all kinds of nicknames. (We have a [name_f]Chrysanthemum[/name_f] who is sometimes Chrysso for short.)

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[name_f]My[/name_f] dog’s name is 3 syllables (Sirius), and he knows his name really well! I don’t think it’s too long :slight_smile: People often have really long names for cats, so I think it totally works! You get your name your dog! And because she personally won’t be affected by the name (like humans can be affected by names due to social things), I say there is no reason you shouldn’t go with [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f] :black_heart:

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I can’t help but think of the movie about [name_f]Thomasina[/name_f] the cat with 9 lives.

And that would be an insulting thing to name a dog after a cat.

But I’m from the 80s and it was an ancient movie when i was a kid. Maybe the association is broken.

I named my sweet Yorkshire Terrier Poodle mix puppy [name_f]Dulcinea[/name_f], so I am in the camp of anything goes for a pet name! I agree with previous posters that this is where you get to have some real fun with names, and that you can be as eccentric and adventurous as you please! :slightly_smiling_face: I wouldn’t let your family and friends sway you, [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f] and [name_f]Thomasine[/name_f] are both gorgeous names for your lovely puppy, and as a dad to a furbaby [name_f]Dulcinea[/name_f], believe me that it’s definitely not too many syllables, haha. Follow your heart, as cliché as that sounds. Best wishes on finding the right name for your pup, but I’m definitely rooting for Thomasin/Thomasine! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have a lovely day/evening! :yellow_heart:

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I think pets are a lovely medium through which to express our taste in names, in a freer way than with a child. So long as it wouldn’t humiliate the dog, I say go for whatever name you find the most lovely!

And yes, @tori101 is right, we did just call our new pup, [name_f]Pomeline[/name_f] [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] Tul1p (Pom [name_m]Pom[/name_m] for short, with Tul1p being the name the breeder called her and [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] an addition from my daughter). We definitely got some snorts and scoffs about [name_f]Pomeline[/name_f] but I held firm and that’s all died down; no one else cares enough about your dog for you to then care what they think about the name - maybe different if they’re also caring for him/her.


Ha, well I’ve not seen a movie about a cat named [name_f]Thomasina[/name_f] :joy: I’ll have to check this out though :ok_hand:

Thanks @EloiseT @mellona @Aren @Youssarian @tori101 @snowmaiden for the replies and votes of confidence. I’m going to keep exploring, but [name_f]Thomasin[/name_f] will remain a top contender for now :smile:


It was weird :slight_smile:

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[name_f]My[/name_f] baby boy is Thorbjørn and everybody calls him by his full name :blush: Go for it!
[name_f]My[/name_f] mother told me that if she had a cat, she’d call her [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f]. I want to use it for my future daughter, so I really hope she won’t get a cat :smile:

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I like it