Pronounced E-von. It’s quite old fashioned, but is it really that unwearable for someone in this day and age?
What do you guys think of [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f]?
*P.S. not for a baby
I personally like [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f], and haven’t met enough of them to form any association towards the name.
It peaked in popularity during the mid thirties in the US, although was never super popular. At worst it might seem a little dated, particularly to people in their 50s and 60s who may regard it as a ‘mum’ name. Definitely not unusable though.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t be wearable! It has a slightly dated sound but it’s not a super obvious ‘mom name’. I know an [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] my age (so 20-21), although she pronounces it e-VON-ee. It’s not a personal favourite but it’s a nice enough name, especially with the trendy nickname [name_f]Evie[/name_f] making it even more usable!
I really don’t like it. I don’t like the [name_m]Von[/name_m] sound (similar for Siobhan). I like several tailored names but this isn’t pretty or otherwise appealing to my ear. So yes, it’s bad to me but I can see how others might find it mature sounding.
I had an [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] and an [name_f]Evonne[/name_f] at my high school (they’d be in their late 20s now). They’re not my taste personally but I think they are perfectly wearable names.
Based just on the people I knew, [name_f]Evonne[/name_f] was pronounced with a first syllable similar to [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] & [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] was pronounced with a first syllable similar to [name_f]Isabelle[/name_f].
I like the look of it though it does sound a bit dated. I could see the Yv- names making a comeback though.
Maybe you would like [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f] too?
I’ve known young adults called both [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] and [name_f]Ivonne[/name_f] and I never realized it was considered old-fashioned!
I don’t think it’s unwearable at all. I think it’s familiar yet unique and would be a cool choice! And I think it has a pretty sound and look, too. It feels elegant and almost “mythical forest”-y, with a fun retro vibe too.
I don’t love it but I do like it along with [name_f]Yvette[/name_f] both names have been growing on me lately
I strongly associate it with my parents’ generation (in their 60s) including one lady they really don’t like so it’s always been on that mental list of ‘bad names’ but honestly - I love [name_f]Yvette[/name_f] and [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f] so that doesn’t hold water at all. I like the meaning and any name that starts with a Y has a lovely sense of mystery to it imho.
I’ve never really heard of [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] being old-fashioned before. I’d find it refreshing on a child today!
I like it, it is pleasantly vintage.
I think it’s lovely! It’s got some interesting origins, and it just has a beautiful soft, feminine sound
I think this will depend where you live. It was in the top 1000 for the US for a long time but declined mid 90s and hasn’t been back since 2002. It certainly isn’t unwearable as there are a lot of people over 30 with this name. If you’re young it will be a somewhat unusual name. I suppose it has the nickname “Evie” too which feels more popular now.
I don’t personally love [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] but I can see the appeal. Feels a bit sophisticated.
I don’t think it’s unwearable. I knew an [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f] in her twenties who wore it well
I think it’s quite pretty actually. It does feel a bit dated but it’s not a wildly popular name so meeting a younger one could easily skew that image and make it feel fresh again to me.
Spelt [name_u]Yvon[/name_u], I’d actually rather love it for either gender. I do think those Yv- names are due a comeback, it’s a nice unusual eye-catching beginning and they have a kind of earthy, ethereal vibe.
I personally know a [name_f]Yvonne[/name_f], and she wears it beautifully! (She is a spunky older woman with a big personality in her 70s-80s)
Yv0nne is one of my favorite names. It feels so elegant to me.