
So I’m sure that we all agree that [name_f]Isis[/name_f] is unusable as a first name, for obvious reasons.

But is it unusable for a middle name? My husband says no but I am 50/50. Sometimes 75/25 (towards it not being usable). We considered it for Hesperia but decided not to use it in the end.

On one hand, the middle name rarely gets mentioned. But on the other hand, when the middle name does get mentioned, it’s usually a conversation starter and I don’t want her middle name to be a conversation starter for the wrong reasons, if that makes sense. I just don’t want to burden a child with the name of something so awful and tragic…

but it’s so pretty and I don’t want to let it go. So convince me either way. Please make me hate the name if you don’t think it’s usable!

I think you could use it for a middle, but it would be the topic of conversation. You could always explain the other meaning and history, but it maybe spoiled for good-- kind of like the name [name_m]Adolph[/name_m]-- it’s a perfectly good name and people name their kids it for lots of neutral or good reasons, but it will always spark a conversation.

I think it’s perfectly usable for a middle name. If you get talked out of it, perhaps you could grow to love [name_f]Ines[/name_f], [name_f]Inez[/name_f], [name_m]Isaiah[/name_m], [name_f]Isolde[/name_f], [name_f]Nyx[/name_f], or [name_f]Iris[/name_f].

Nameberry lists the pronunciation of [name_f]Ines[/name_f] as “ee-NEZ,” but I know someone by the name that pronounces it “eye-nis.” Eye-nis sounds much more like [name_f]Isis[/name_f].

Another consideration might be [name_f]Aili[/name_f]. The [name_f]Aili[/name_f] that I know pronounces it “EYE-lee.”

I personally wouldn’t do it. I know it’s a pretty name - I’ve even met an [name_f]Isis[/name_f] - I know it has a whole separate history, but the terrorist association feels too fresh, too much, at the moment and it would make me wonder if someone had chosen it just to be controversial? I don’t think it’s entirely unusable in the middle spot, but I wouldn’t do it myself, sorry

I think is absolutely unusable, for the same reason as previous poster said. It sounds pretty though

i think it is a name that sounds nice but has a bad history, i also think you would be doing a lot of explaining as people would question “oh, like the terrorists?” but if you are more then happy to explain i can’t aww why not!

also, i coached a girl two years ago with it as a first name. she is probably 8-10 now

Since middle names are more likely to be chosen for meaning (as opposed to firstnames chosen for sound) it might be even less usable as a middle :confused: I understand why you’re intrigued, though.
I second the suggestion of [name_f]Iris[/name_f], or maybe [name_f]Io[/name_f]?

I love the name [name_f]Isis[/name_f]. I’ve thought about using it but I have only had negative feedback.

I love the name [name_f]Isis[/name_f] as well. I think you could still use it. If not as a middle, maybe as a second middle of you are down to give your daughter three names? I have three names myself and my second middle was not ever listed on school papers or anything so no one really knows about it unless I tell them. I do sometimes question whether using a certain name is really worth it – but it is ultimately up to you. If you absolutely love it, use it!

Unusable. There are SO many beautiful names to choose from. Why would you want to do that to your daughter? [name_f]Remember[/name_f] that choosing a name isn’t about us, we are giving our child a most important gift when we name them and to give her a name that is likely going to cause her embarrassment, or in the least, unease, just doesn’t show the expected love and consideration for her.

I would be concerned that if the name appeared on a passport or official documentation, it could subject your daughter to suspicion, questions, or additional screening while traveling. Depending on the political climate of the time, I would be concerned that it could even complicate the issuing of a security clearance needed for employment or close some doors occupationally. When you fill out a background check for employment, you do need to provide your full legal name. Knowing how people and nations can behave in times of fear, I don’t think it is worth using a name that could potentially make your daughter’s life harder. Life is hard enough. I know this is unfair, but it isn’t always possible to control the reactions and perceptions of other people.

Perhaps [name_f]Isidora[/name_f]/[name_f]Isadora[/name_f] would be worth considering instead? It means “gift of [name_f]Isis[/name_f]”. I’m a long time fan of [name_f]Isis[/name_f], but sadly I feel it’s unusable now.

Thank you for the replies!

I do feel it is unusable because of the group, but I (stupidly) never considered what it would make people think of us, if we were to use it. It would be controversial and I know it, so it would make sense for people to think we’d chosen it for that reason. And I’d hate for someone to think we named our child after the group intentionally.

It’s officially on the no list. Shame, though. It’s a beautiful name. I like [name_f]Iris[/name_f] too, that is on our middle name list already.

I have a niece with [name_f]Isis[/name_f] as a first name. I must admit it makes everyone uncomfortable to say it, especially in public. While it is a pretty name with a long history, there is just too much of a strong negative connotation.

I really like a previous commentors suggestion of [name_f]Iris[/name_f]. Hesperia [name_f]Iris[/name_f] would be absolutely gorgeous with no hint of negativity.

Isis is unusable. Period. Not for a first name. Not for a middle name. Not for any name. That name is no longer pretty. It no longer holds it’s original meaning. I would think it incredibly distasteful not to mention extremely disrespectful of any parent to name their child Isis- whether as a first or middle name.

Just like the swastika- the original meaning was a religious symbol and it is now a symbol of a horrible period in time, connected to a horrible person- still remembered many years later.

Every single Isis I have known in my life (named before the group existed) has since changed their name. Any businesses previously named Isis has been renamed. Nothing and no one wants to be associated with that name anymore.

I really would reconsider. Iris is similar enough. Hesperia Iris sounds 10x better anyway.

There is also Isolde, Isla, Ira, Io, & Ilaria

I wouldn’t do it.

This. Exactly this.

I am not completely sure myself, but leaning toward no (maybe in several more years, but now not really). I’ve always been neutral toward [name_f]Isis[/name_f] though (as in the name, of course), so to me, it’s a shame such pretty name gets this horrific association, but not the biggest loss. If you know what I mean. If my favourite names ever get such association, I don’t even know what I’ll do. I guess it really depends on how this name is really tainted (or not!) in your mind. If not (so much), then maybe it could work as a middle.

It’s 100% unusable.

What about Iset? It’s another Egyptian form of [name_f]Isis[/name_f].