
Thoughts on the name [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] pronounced like the single [name_f]Jean[/name_f] pants? Also what middle name would you use to come up with a story/meaning?

I think if I wanted the [name_f]Jean[/name_f] pronunciation, I would spell it [name_f]Jean[/name_f]. I could see [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] being rhymed with [name_f]Leanne[/name_f], or getting the [name_m]French[/name_m] pronunciation.

I know so many Jean/Jeanne s who are 80-90 ish and it is very tied to that era for me, but I do work in elder care and someone who doesn’t probably wouldn’t have such a strong association to that generation. The ladies I have known named [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] all pronounced it like [name_f]Jean[/name_f], so that would be my default.

It’s a solid name and would be unexpected!

If I saw it, I’d be between JEEN or Jee-Anne (or maybe ZHAN too) as pronunciations, since I’ve met people with the first two and know of the third, so I’d probably ask :person_shrugging:

For middles, I’m guessing you mean a middle that combines with the first to mean something over all?

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] (god is gracious and noble)

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Cara[/name_f] (god is gracious and beloved; god is my gracious friend)

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] (god is gracious to those who bring happiness )

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Louisa[/name_f] (renown warrior who has God’s grace)

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Meredith[/name_f] (god is gracious and magnificent)

[name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] [name_f]Carys[/name_f] (god is gracious and loving)

As @Posielee said most of the Jean/Jeanne’s I know personally are 60+ and so it feels very 30’s 40’s vintage americana vibe to me. I feel [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] during that time period was a fairly common spelling of [name_f]Jean[/name_f] (no data behind this just from personal experience) and so I would naturally assume [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] & [name_f]Jean[/name_f] were pronounced the same.

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I just met a woman today called [name_f]Jeanne[/name_f] (pn. “Jean”). I think it’s a very pretty name!