So I discovered this Hebrew and Arabic name about a year ago and thought it was absolutely beautiful (I saw it spelled out) and Personally thought of it pronounced as juh-sen-ya. That is one variation of MANY. However you want to pronounce it I thought it was pretty and somehow… seemed like it could or might… be popular.
The meaning of [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] is [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f] [name_f]Flower[/name_f].
There 3,574 babies named [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] in the USA.
This name has a few other pronunciations as I mentioned, ya-sin-yah and jessa-nia are two big contenders as well. But I have always like juh-sen-ya the best.
What do you think? Pretty or Beautiful?
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you think this is a trend - worthy name or COULD someday be the new “IT” name?
[name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] is not a Hebrew and Arabic name, but a Spanish name. It’s usually a variant of [name_f]Yesenia[/name_f], a name popular in Latin [name_u]America[/name_u]. [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] is a genus of tree found in South [name_u]America[/name_u]. It’s popularity seems to have coincided with [name_f]Jessica[/name_f], it was possibly used as a variant for many people.
It’s very pretty and has an exotic though familiar feeling. I absolutely think it could reemerge as an “it” name, especially among those who like [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] but find it to be less classic and more dated.
I think it’s too long, elaborate and unfamiliar to become an “it” name - the current trend seems to be for short, sweet, vintage revival names and nicknames.
Personally I’m not a huge fan - I guess I generally prefer shorter, less frilly names too. I like the ye-sen-iya pronunciation best though, and prefer original [name_f]Yesenia[/name_f].
I think people are mostly over the [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] trend here in the U.S. So I don’t see it getting popular for its similarity to that name. Not for another generation at least anyway.
On the contrary, [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] is actually trending downward. It peaked around 1990, along with the name it’s derived from, [name_f]Yesenia[/name_f]. Now neither of them are in the top 1000. I would think a [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f] (or [name_f]Yesenia[/name_f]) would be born around 1990-1995 but it would be a pleasant surprise to meet a little [name_f]Jessenia[/name_f]. I prefer the pronunciation “jess-EN-ee-uh” [with 4 syllables, the last two don’t blend into a -yuh] which is the way a girl I knew named [name_f]Yesenia[/name_f] pronounced her name, only with a J sound. I think it’s such a pretty spelling and balances that line of being unique without being unfamiliar/strange.