What is your opinion on the name [name]Jewel[/name]? I read [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name]'s take on it, and agree with parts of their assessment. I know of a couple famous [name]Jewels[/name] (Kilcher and Staite), but I have never met anyone with the name in real life.
Is it better as a first name or a middle name? What do you think of the name in general?
I knew someone named [name]Jewel[/name]. It seemed ok. I don’t know what else to say about it. I liked it ok. It is similar sounding to [name]Julie[/name] or [name]Julia[/name], so it didn’t seem so weird of a name, but because it’s uncommon, it had that going for it without being really strange. I think it is a pretty cool name, I guess, because it’s kind of understated, the way it sounds compared to what it means. As for being “generic,” I’d call that a good thing. You name someone [name]Ruby[/name] or [name]Pearl[/name], I like those names just fine, but you might get unimaginative on their birthday, for example. I did not like the alternative “[name]Bijou[/name]” suggested. That seems ultra-trying too hard. [name]Jewel[/name] blends in but also stands out.
I really like the name [name]Jewel[/name]. I don’t think I could ever name my kid [name]Jewel[/name], doesn’t seem serious enough or something. I think it would be cute when she was little, but a little odd when she was 40. That said, I think it would make a great middle name. Or [name]Jewel[/name] would be a cute nn for [name]Julia[/name] or [name]Juliet[/name].
I knew a [name]Jewel[/name] when I was in high school. She was the annoying mother of a guy I went to school with. I guess I never thought about her name too much, her personallity usually was the most obvious thing about her.
For me it is a one-person name, a la the singer [name]Jewel[/name]. That is what comes to mind for me, sort of like [name]Cher[/name], with a more modern pop culture reference.