Jewels as a given name?

In your opinion, do you think [name]Jewels[/name] can be given as a full name? I know of a grown woman named [name]Jewel[/name] and I’ve never thought twice about it, so I feel like [name]Jewels[/name] could work too. What middle names would you put with [name]Jewels[/name]? Thanks!

I think [name]Jules[/name] might be acceptable as a full name. [name]Jewels[/name]…not so much. Sorry. :frowning: I see a lot of teasing potential.

[name]Jules[/name] as a nn for [name]Julia[/name], [name]Juliana[/name], [name]Julie[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], or [name]Jewel[/name] is lovely though.

Sorry but no. Have you considered using it as nn for [name]Julia[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and etc?

The spelling makes it look ridiculous. I don’t mind [name]Jules[/name] at all, but [name]Jewels[/name] is just silly.

I agree.major no.

I don’t like it. What about [name]Gemma[/name]?