I like [name]Josefina[/name],but I dont know if it is too spanish for here? or too old fashioned? do you think she can have problems in school( teasing…spelling…
[name]Josephina[/name] maybe is better?
which one do you prefer??
[name]Josephina[/name]/[name]Josefina[/name] is lovely! I don’t think she would get teased, and I don’t think either spelling would be a huge deal. I personally prefer [name]Josephina[/name]–it looks like it has more personality to me, and I’ve always preferred the “ph” spellings to the “f” ones–I prefer [name]Sophia[/name]/[name]Sophie[/name] to [name]Sofia[/name]/[name]Sofie[/name], [name]Seraphina[/name] to [name]Serafina[/name], etc. I think [name]Josephina[/name] is stunning, actually, and is one of my favorites! It has so many adorable nns, too–[name]Josie[/name], [name]Posey[/name], [name]Poppy[/name], Sephie, [name]Fina[/name], [name]Fifi[/name], [name]Nina[/name], etc…
Good luck!
I like the look of [name]Josephina[/name] better and I do think it will be spelled that way more often then not. I usually prefer the Spanish spelling of Spanish names like I much prefer [name]Sofia[/name]. But this name is an exception for me
[name]Both[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Josefina[/name] are nice, but I prefer [name]Josephine[/name]. [name]Josefina[/name]/[name]Josephina[/name] is more exotic and distinctive though. It’s tough. I prefer [name]Josephina[/name] spelling. Good luck!
I love the name [name]Josephina[/name]. [name]Just[/name] from a visual standpoint, I would go with that spelling. But either way, it’s a lovely and feminine sounding name.
I agree with the above… visually [name]Josephina[/name] looks prettier to me.
I like [name]Josephine[/name] best personally.
Why not go with [name]Josephine[/name] as it will be pronounced in Europe as [name]Josephina[/name] and in English speaking countries as [name]Josephine[/name]?
Well in Europe there are many ways to pronounce and write [name]Josephine[/name]/[name]Josefine[/name]/[name]Josephina[/name]/[name]Josefina[/name]. [name]Josephina[/name] is the only one that looks wrong to me, since there is no language (as far as I know) that has this version. [name]Josefina[/name] would be the Scandinavian form (pronounced [name]Yo[/name]-se-fi-nah) . [name]Josephine[/name] the English and French, [name]Josefine[/name] (pronounced [name]Yo[/name]-se-fi-neh) [name]German[/name] and Scandinavian.
So I’d go with [name]Josefina[/name] (but that’s my European opinion ;))
I second [name]Josefina[/name] - maybe it’s a European thing!
I like [name]Josephina[/name] better.
I prefer the “ph” spelling and tend to associate the “f” spelling with spanish/hispanic names. Though, it does look like most European countries do use a “f” spelling of the variations of this name.
I liked hearing the European perspective. I am a big fan of “[name]Josefine[/name]” (pronounced [name]Jo[/name]-seh-feen), however once I heard that it was the Germanic spelling pronounced [name]Yo[/name]-se-feen-a, I may go for “[name]Josephine[/name]”, which is the English spelling.
In your case, I would definitely consider the fact that “[name]Josephina[/name]” is not a spelling in any culture/language and therefore go with “[name]Josefina[/name].”
Well, I can’t tell where you live, so I’ll just give my experience. I grew up in SoCal in a very hispanic neighborhood. If I saw [name]Josefina[/name], I’d immediately pronounce it hoh-sah-[name]FEE[/name]-nah. To me, that’s a different name than [name]Josephina[/name]. If you live in a place with a fair amount of hispanic population, you can bet your bottom dollar your child will be called in Spanish with the F spelling. Since my name is [name]Julia[/name], I can attest to this I got called hoo-[name]LEE[/name]-ah every year on the first day of school, every time I went to the doctors office, etc. I found it pretty annoying just because it wasn’t my name and half the time I didn’t realize they were calling me.
I pronounce Joshepina as [name]Jo[/name]-Seph-[name]Ina[/name] and [name]Josefina[/name] as Ho-Sef-ina.
Definitely [name]Josephina[/name]! I’ve never seen it spelled any other way. [name]Josefina[/name] doesn’t look right. Rather I’ve never seen [name]Josephine[/name] spelled any other way, I’ve never seen [name]Josephina[/name] before.
I would also pronounce the names like this. I agree that the [name]Josefina[/name] spelling does look more hispanic/European which I like too. But I think I like [name]Josephina[/name] a little better.
I like [name]Josephina[/name] better.
If you want the “ina” sound I would go with [name]Josefina[/name], I agree with others who say [name]Josephina[/name] looks strange, its like someone misspelled [name]Josephine[/name] even though I know they didnt. [name]Just[/name] from an aesthetic point of view I think the f spelling is nicer looking.
Wanted to add to the prn debate that if you use either “a” ending with this name I think a lot of people will prn it with a ho or yo beginning upon seeing it. I could be wrong because I dont know much about this version but I dont think very many people or cultures prn Josephina/Josefina with the Jo sound at the beginning.