So, I don’t know if everyone knows this but me, but on posts where mothers list their childrens’ names, they alter them, as in Calli0pe, M@ggie, 1sabella. What exactly is the point?
So, I don’t know if everyone knows this but me, but on posts where mothers list their childrens’ names, they alter them, as in Calli0pe, M@ggie, 1sabella. What exactly is the point?
It’s for security reasons (I suppose that’s the best way to label it) - with symbols replacing some of the letters, the names aren’t google-able and therefore as easily traced.
So…traceable by whom? Are people worried someone will look them up thru a baby name site? I believe that and don’t mean it to come out incredulous, I’m just confused.
Yes. Some people are quite paranoid and believe that their collection of given names-- or their first-middle combo-- is so incredibly unique and googleable that it will lead people to this website.
[name]Say[/name] you as a loving mom just gave birth to [name]Elowen[/name] [name]Jane[/name] and, idly, want to google to see what other [name]Elowen[/name] [name]Janes[/name] exist in the world and what kind of people they’ve become. You type it in to the search engine and bam! end up on nameberry where your neighbor says “my friend just named her daughter [name]Elowen[/name] [name]Jane[/name]! I about died laughing! It sounds like a type of marshmellow!” and then a long thread ensues where people mock, trash or otherwise incisively comment on the name. Poor loving mom didn’t need to see that, now did she?
In actuality it’s frank paranoia because unless your first-middle or sibset is unbelievably unique (i.e. Millionz’a’Dollaz) it will quickly be lost in the sea of google.
Haha! Thank you [name]Blade[/name]. You summed it up quite nicely with your “horror story”. I imagine there are other Charlottes and [name]Riley[/name] Annes in the world, so I’m not too worried. Perhaps I should start going by R1ley 4nne, you know, just in case ;).
Yea, I don’t feel the need to alter my first name, but I do think it’s wise to omit your last name. I understand when people want to ask if certain name combos go with it, but usually a first initial or “sounds like x” is enough to get the point across.