Kairos—the opportune name!

Thanks! I appreciate that. Our boys names are unusual, but I think they go together well. Gets harder & harder to figure that out the more you have. :rofl:

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Thank you for the encouragement.

I’ve seen ppl planning out sibset names far before they have even one, and I probably should have thought that way…but it’s been more of a little by little trying to find the perfect names but not paint ourselves in a corner! :rofl:

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I think this is very sensible actually! “Name every baby as if it’s your last” is very sage advice in my book — no point strategically using or saving certain names when you never know what the future holds.

I hope you get to use Kairos :green_heart:

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[name_m]Kairos[/name_m] is a great choice. I love the sound and the meaning. I’m happy for you that you found the one that feels right :two_hearts:

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