Kayla thoughts

What do you think about [name_f]Kayla[/name_f]? Im considering it as a middle name option. I go by [name_f]Katie[/name_f] so it’s definitely not an option for a first name. Though it would be on my list for a first if my name weren’t so similar.

I had no idea it was a name in a soap opera! :joy: I did know one [name_f]Kayla[/name_f] growing up in the 90s and always thought it was simple and pretty.

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I’m not a big fan if I’m honest. I’ve grown up with dozens of Kayla’s Kaylee’s Kylie’s etc. [name_m]Just[/name_m] feels overdone to me :confused:


I figure my daughter would actually not meet very many since they were so popular and are in mom name territory now. Though I must admit that I love K names. Seems like people either love them or try to use a C whenever possible lol.

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It’s not very loved around here, but I personally adore it! I can’t even explain what about it makes me love it the way I do, it’s just so sweet and lively in my eyes and criminally underrated :relieved::sunny::kite::woman_cartwheeling:


I almost think it is a fresh idea for a middle.


It’s pretty but it does seem dated to the 90s/00s to me. Maybe just because there were so many in my sister’s class.
I prefer [name_f]Calla[/name_f] or just [name_u]Kaye[/name_u].


I have a friend called [name_f]Kayla[/name_f] from [name_f]Canada[/name_f], but have never come across the name here in the UK, so it feels fun and fresh and cute.

I agree that seeing as both your name and [name_f]Kayla[/name_f] come from [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] originally maybe it’s a bit close for a first, but sound wise I think it would actually be fine.

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I’m solidly natural on kayla !! a really nice kayla could get me to love the name but right now I have no opinion :man_shrugging:

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[name_f]Kayla[/name_f] is sweet! I like the [name_u]Kay[/name_u] sound

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It feels overused because I knew SO MANY Kayla’s growing up. As a middle name it might work well depending on what it’s paired with. But just on it’s own I’m not a fan.

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I like it! It feels very sweet, youthful, and energetic.


I actually like [name_f]Kayla[/name_f]! Underused and underrated!


I love it,it’s so underused these days

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I really dislike it, it seems “bratty” to me.


I think it’s a bit too popular or overused, but still a lovely name and clearly a lot of people agree

[name_f]My[/name_f] little sister is K@ïla pronounced “Kai-lah” which i like better than [name_u]Kay[/name_u]!

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[name_f]Every[/name_f] [name_f]Kayla[/name_f] i’ve met is a brat :joy: Including my sister

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Lol isn’t everyone’s younger sibling a brat😜

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Oh yes for sure😂


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I like it, but I prefer it for a nickname for than a first name. I think it’s lovely for a middle name

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