
What’s your opinion on it , and do you think it’s dated?

I like [name]Kenneth[/name], but I love [name]Kenton[/name].

I love [name]Kenneth[/name]! I like the “th” sound at the end in names. ([name]Seth[/name], [name]Ruth[/name], [name]Faith[/name], etc.) And I think [name]Kenny[/name] is a cute nn that could be [name]Kenneth[/name] or [name]Ken[/name] when he’s older.

I’m not sure what I think of [name]Kenneth[/name] being dated or not, so, sorry I can’t help out there. But, in case you do end up deciding it is too dated, what about [name]Kenyon[/name] as an alternative?

I think [name]Kenneth[/name] deserves a come-back! NB sure loves the 100-years rule…my grandfather is 93, and his name is [name]Kenneth[/name], so there’s your proof…[name]Kenneth[/name]'s come-back might be on the horizon!

I think it’s a comfortable, manly name, with nickname potential.

I like it, and would love to meet a little guy named [name]Kenneth[/name].

Maybe you’d also like [name]Keith[/name]?

I really dislike it. Sorry. Not so much the datedness, it just doesn’t sound manly or attractive to me. ([name]Nor[/name] does ‘[name]Ken[/name]’.)

I love [name]Kenneth[/name]! I don’t think it is dated; I think it is a big, strong, manly name.
[name]Kenny[/name] is also a super cute nickname for a small boy!

My parents were going to name me [name]Kenneth[/name] if I were a boy. All I can say is thank goodness things didn’t happen that way.

I think I quite like [name]Kenneth[/name]! I have a friend who has an older brother named [name]Kenneth[/name], he’s in his late 20s (his sisters call him [name]Kenny[/name]), and I went to school with a [name]Kenneth[/name].

I like [name]Kenny[/name] as a NN, but not [name]Ken[/name], which is to “[name]Barbie[/name]” for me.