I love the name [name_m]Kenny[/name_m], I mean love. I’m worried people will immediately think of [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] McCormick from [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u], especially with it’s rising popularity in my generation.
What do you think? Is there hope for [name_m]Kenny[/name_m]?
I don’t think it’s too associated with [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u]. I also think that [name_u]South[/name_u] Park’s humor is generally popular with middle/high schoolers and then most of those people grow out of it by the time they’re adults and the association won’t be as strong. At least that’s my perspective – a lot of my classmates liked it when we were 13-17ish, I’m 20 now and never hear anything about it. I don’t think it’s any more popular than it was a few years ago, it’s just a new group of teenagers discovering it and then it will pass to the next group and so on.
I think [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] is a great name! Sweet and familiar yet it feels cool and unexpected.
I live in the Deep [name_u]South[/name_u], I always have at least one student named [name_m]Kenny[/name_m]. No one says anything.
For me, the first [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] who comes to mind is the DS [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] from the [name_f]Vera[/name_f] series on Britbox.
[name_m]Kenny[/name_m], and [name_m]Kenneth[/name_m], are charming and just on the cusp of being vintage. There’s also [name_m]Kenelm[/name_m], an underused [name_u]Saxon[/name_u] name.
I’ve never seen [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u], though I have heard of it, and I had no idea there was a character named [name_m]Kenny[/name_m]. I didn’t realize [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u] was even still on air to be honest…
I think [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] (and [name_m]Ken[/name_m], [name_m]Kenneth[/name_m], [name_u]Kendall[/name_u], etc) are all just don’t to use. They’ve been popular enough, particularly among older generations. The first [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] I think of is my great-uncle [name_m]Kenny[/name_m]!
Me too! He’s a lovely (if grumpy) example of a Kenny so I like it
I didn’t even see this part of your post - love Kenelm!
not at all imo ! i’ve heard of the character but don’t immediately think of him nor would i assume a kenny was named after him
i think you’re good !
I used to watch a lot of [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u] back in the day and my mind didn’t immediately think about it. When I did think about it, it didn’t bother me seeing as [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] is a great character. Now if you were wanting to name your kid Cartman or [name_m]Garrison[/name_m], I’d be questioning that. lol
Definitely hope for [name_m]Kenny[/name_m]! I love it but I’m not a fan of any full verson and I don’t think I’d use it as a standalone. I don’t think it’s too tied to [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u] at all.
I’ve never watched [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u], so it’s not too associated with it for me personally. (I feel like I associate it with Killing [name_f]Eve[/name_f] but not overly so). I think there’s hope for it
Its too [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]Park[/name_u] for me but I don’t think it’s unusable at all
I only thought of it as you mentioned it. I wouldn’t have put the two together, otherwise
I grew up in the 90’s and knew 2 Kennys and never associated either with [name_m]Kenny[/name_m] from SP, even though it was pretty big back then and we were guilty of going against our parents wishes and watching it. I think it’s perfectly usable and that wouldn’t necessarily be the first thing people thought of!