
I love the meaning of this name. I think we’ve settled on it for our baby girl, despite the possibly difficult spelling/pronunciation.

What do you think of the name?

[name]Love[/name] it , went school with a [name]Kezia[/name]

I love [name]Keziah[/name] too! It’s my confirmation name. I’ve found when it’s mentioned, people usually need to be corrected once, but after that, it’s clear sailing. [name]Keziah[/name]'s really a distinctive and lovely choice today. Huzzah for [name]Keziah[/name]!

I love it! What will her middle name be?

[name]Keziah[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] - the middle name was my husbands choice, so the full name is sort of a combo of old and new names.

Great choice and congrads :slight_smile: