Laetitia - pronunciation

Would you pronounce [name_f]Laetitia[/name_f] [name_m]Lay[/name_m]-tea-sha or [name_m]Lay[/name_m]-ti-tia? I hope you all understand my pronunciation guide, but basically, would you pronounce last syllable as -sha or tia?

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you know more simpler spelling/pronunciation (not [name_f]Lettice[/name_f])?

I pronounce [name_m]Lay[/name_m]-tea-sha. My baby sis is [name_f]Leticia[/name_f], and I think it’s prettier than [name_f]Laetitia[/name_f].

In [name_m]French[/name_m] it’s pronounced leh-tees-ya.

Most English speakers would probably pronounce it the same as [name_f]Letitia[/name_f] - luh-[name_f]TISH[/name_f]-uh or maybe luh-TEESH-uh in some cases.

I agree with pp above, I would pronounce it the same as [name_f]Letitia[/name_f], like Luh-TEESH-uh.

I would pronounce it the same as [name_f]Letitia[/name_f], which I say leh-TEE-shuh.

I knew someone called this and we called her: luh-tissi-ah.


Pretty much regardless of spelling I would assume Luh-teesh-uh.

I pronounce it Leh-TEE-tsee-ah.

I would pronounce it leh-tee-shah or luh-tee-shah. Either way, the last syllable would definitely be ‘sha’.