I love the names [name]Laura[/name], [name]Laurel[/name], and [name]Lauren[/name] for a girl. When I posted about how others liked [name]Laura[/name], someone posted back this fresher name. Does anyone else like [name]Lauret[/name]? Can anyone give me some great combos (1 or 2 mn’s).
By the way, I am not pregnant but I love names and my oldest son is married. They have taken permanent custody of two of her relatives (a half-niece and half-nephew) but want a child/children of their own as well. She wants my help with names. I also like to write and I’m always looking for great names for characters.
I actually found [name]Lauret[/name] in my family tree. It was a middle name. I love the name [name]Lara[/name] [name]Loralie[/name] ect and [name]Lauret[/name] is right up my alley. I’m wondering however if it is pronounced lor-ay or lor-et. I don’t have any information on this name. I’ll have to think of some middles and come back.
[name]Hi[/name] great to hear from you. In regard to [name]Lauret[/name] unfortunately I suddenly heard curette. I like [name]Lauren[/name], [name]Laurel[/name] and [name]Laura[/name] though.