lead singer in a band!

decided to write a story about a band, and I need a name for the lead singer in the group. at first I was thinking along the lines of [name]Brendan[/name], but I really wasn’t feeling it. the singer is 23 and has brown hair, with brown eyes he is tall and very skinny.
his personality: on stage he goes crazy, he gets drunk and interacts with the crowd a lot, he often holds out the microphone to the audience to let them sing, and does other, even more crazy things. when he is off sage, he sort of mellows down in to a really chill guy. he doesn’t care about the money or the fame, but only about the ones he loves and all of his fans.

thanks for all your help! please let me know if you need anything else!

[name]Callum[/name] is my choice

[name]Caleb[/name], but i think any two syllable name starting with ‘c’ would work.

Is he a rock star or pop or something else?
For rock star I like something very masculine, bright and a bit unusual:
These are more soft and sweet for a pop/pop-rock:
Country/indie-rock guys tend to have more usual-men names:

thank you all so much! He is a pop/ rock star, and I really like all the names you’ve provided! It is going to be difficult to narrow them down to one now!:smiley: