Legendary Love

It’s a boy! This is the name of Nick Cannon’s latest kid. He and his fiance, Bre Tiesi, are calling him several nicknames, including LL Cool Cannon :joy:

What do you think of Legendary Love Cannon? I think it’s less shocking than some of his other name choices but all together it does make me think of what @marysia said.


Sounds like euphemism for a penis when paired with the surname.


Oh my gosh :joy: @marysia

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It just makes me sad. These days, I try not to be overly critical of names. Some names I downright dislike and some I do find cruel, which isn’t a term I use lightly. However, I try to keep in mind that names mean something to parents. It isn’t my place to turn up my nose to something that someone found beautiful or meaningful.

That said, I feel like [name_m]Cannon[/name_m] is getting too wrapped up in celebrity. The whole persona, you know? Be as outrageous as you can because it keeps your name out there. It makes me sad to hear about what he names these kids because it feels like he’s using them to play into this. I question if he has actually considered that these kids will have an identity in this world beyond being his kids.

I also wonder how he has gotten…what is it now? 8 women? To agree to these names.


Oh my goodness, I actually don’t mind the name and especially enjoyed seeing [name_u]Love[/name_u] used for a boy… but I’ll never unsee this now! You’re totally right :flushed:


I just told my husband the name and this is the first thing he said! I didn’t pick up on it, I was thinking it was okay. I like [name_u]Legend[/name_u] for short!


I honestly thought that this was the name of a new dating reality show…:roll_eyes:


He has two sets of twins so 6 women so far? I believe he has two more babies on the way so it will be 8 women by the end of the year.

I agree that he’s leaning into his current fame as a father of many children and choosing names that will grab attention.


Haha its a great band name is the most complementary thing I can say….


Oof. Definitely unfortunate with that last name, but Legendary is intriguing! I think Legend could actually be usable.

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I don’t like personally, but I can’t say I like his other children’s names either. To me his taste in names seems grandiose on purpose. I bet it’s about getting as much media attention for himself as possible.