What do you all think of the name [name]Lela[/name]? I’m very fond of [name]Lily[/name] and [name]Lila[/name], but those are probably going to be really popular in a few years when I have kids, so I’d like something similar but not that popular. A very good friend of mine is named [name]Lela[/name], so it gets extra points. =)
[name]How[/name] do you intend to pronounce it? [name]Lee[/name]-la or more like [name]Layla[/name] or anything completely different?
I knew I girl in highschool who was often called [name]Lela[/name] (e like the french ” as in “touch””) and I always thought that name was beautiful. By the way: her real name was [name]Valeria[/name] which I also think is beautiful.
Like [name]LEE[/name]-luh. [name]Valeria[/name] is also beautiful, I agree.
If you want something different from the super popular [name]Lila[/name], [name]Lilah[/name], [name]Lilly[/name], [name]Layla[/name], laila. then you should choose a totally different name! If you name her [name]Lela[/name] she will constantly have to spell out her name and correct pronunciation. What about [name]Nina[/name] or [name]Lilac[/name]?
I read [name]Lela[/name], ”leh-lah” but that”s probably because its my cousin [name]Daniela[/name]”s nickname and that”s the way we pronounce it.
When I think ”lee-lah” I see the spelling [name]Leela[/name]/[name]Leila[/name].
What about [name]Nola[/name]/[name]Lola[/name], [name]Lea[/name]/[name]Laia[/name] as alternatives?
I think it is very cute. I like it [name]Leela[/name] or [name]Layla[/name]. I prefer [name]Layla[/name] prn somewhat, but I think this spelling is more intuitive to people guessing [name]Leela[/name] anyway, just a hunch. I don’t know that it gets away from very popular names, as it’s so similar, but all those names are pretty no matter if they are popular or not. This won’t really be that distinctive, is I guess what I’m saying from a [name]Lila[/name] or a [name]Lola[/name] or [name]Leila[/name] (aka [name]Layla[/name] and other alt-spellings), and yet it is a different name, and it is named after someone close to you, so that does give it extra strength in my opinion.
As for unsolicited suggestions, I have really like [name]Nila[/name] lately, sometimes spelled [name]Neela[/name], both prn the same. Someone suggested [name]Nina[/name] as well, which has grown on me from a pretty strong dislike to totally WOW, I could consider that name. [name]Paula[/name] doesn’t seem to be used a lot in this trend, don’t know why not, just for another name you might like - similar to trendy names but also substantial, and substantially different enough that it will stand out. [name]Lena[/name] is also pretty, form of [name]Helen[/name] via [name]Helena[/name]. That is pronounced like [name]Layna[/name] or [name]Leena[/name], either. I don’t necessarily put a lot of weight onto how much people will say it wrong if she knows how to correct people, then they will learn.
I know a lovely [name]Lela[/name], and she pronounces her name “lee-la,” too. I do think that she spent a fair amont of time correcting people’s pronunciations, which may be something to consider.
I do think [name]Lela[/name] is a beautiful name!
Good luck!
I love the name. It was my top choice but DH didn’t like it.
The [name]Lela[/name] I know had rare difficulties, like with substitute teachers pronouncing it “[name]Layla[/name]”, but probably half of them got it right. However, it is definitely something to consider!
[name]Lela[/name] is a family name and I’m told it was pronounced lee-lah. I think it is very lovely name. I wish I could use it.
A serious problem in Spanish speaking countries. “[name]Lela[/name]” means silly, dumb, stupid, fool…
I don’t really think this would be a problem with me. I don’t speak a word of Spanish (only English and some French), and I don’t ever plan on going to Mexico (I live in [name]Phoenix[/name]-- so Walmart is close enough!) or Spain. Thanks for the input, though!