Lennox, Lenox, Hank or Jasper?

Our favourite is [name]Lennox[/name] so far but hubby prefers [name]Lenox[/name] and I want 2-N.
We also love [name]Hank[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name] but aren’t 100% sure about it.
What do you think?

[name]Lennox[/name] is the name of the town I grew up in & the school I went to. Also the name of a home heating & cooling company. [name]Lenox[/name] is a name of the company that makes those really expensive gifts.

I would go with [name]Hank[/name] or [name]Jasper[/name]. [name]Hank[/name] is a good strong name. And who doesn’t like [name]Hank[/name] [name]Williams[/name]? [name]Jasper[/name] is a good name too…when I was little we named a racoon [name]Jasper[/name] because it was the name on a painting my dad had. So somewhere there’s an artist named [name]Jasper[/name]. :slight_smile:

My favorite is [name]Lennox[/name]. It looks more…right? I love the rough and tough feel the x gives off.

I’d pick [name]Lennox[/name] as a spelling for sure. [name]Lenox[/name] looks like ‘luh-NOCKS’ to me.
I’d actually pick [name]Lennox[/name] over all of the options. I do like [name]Jasper[/name] but prefer [name]Caspar[/name], and [name]Hank[/name] isn’t really my thing (but I could be sold on [name]Henrik[/name] instead). I’ve liked [name]Lennox[/name] since I was in high school.

[name]Jasper[/name] most definitely!

1 [name]Jasper[/name]
2 [name]Lennox[/name]

Not a fan of [name]Hank[/name] as a standalone name (maybe as a nn for [name]Henry[/name] or [name]Harold[/name]?) or the spelling of [name]Lenox[/name] with one “l”.

I love [name]Lennox[/name]! If either of my girls had been a boy, we would have used [name]Solomon[/name] [name]Lennox[/name].

To me, [name]Lennox[/name] feels like more of a brand or place-name. [name]Jasper[/name] is gorgeous. [name]Hank[/name] is adorable, but (like [name]Mischa[/name]) I prefer it as a nick for [name]Henry[/name] or [name]Harold[/name], or even for [name]Hans[/name] or [name]Hansel[/name] if you happen to be [name]German[/name].

I love [name]Lennox[/name]!! It’s definitely my favorite from your list! [name]Knox[/name]/Nox works as a cute nickname too!!

I don’t like [name]Hank[/name] or [name]Jasper[/name] as first names, but they could be middle names.

I think [name]Jasper[/name] is great.

I like [name]Jasper[/name] the best then [name]Hank[/name]…[name]Lennox[/name] feels too trendy for my taste.

I went to high school with a [name]Lennox[/name], and he was awesome and quirky, kind of a theater geek. It sounds so nerdy and chic (maybe because I’m thinking of [name]Linux[/name]).