What do you think of [name]Leona[/name]? This is one of those names for me that I used to HATE but just woke up in the morning and for some reason loved it. What nicknames would you use for it? Would [name]Lea[/name] or [name]Leela[/name] work for a nickname?
I like [name]Leona[/name]. I know a girl whose middle name is [name]Leona[/name] after her grandmother, and she loves it.
I like [name]Leona[/name], though I prefer [name]Leonie[/name]. [name]Lea[/name] could definitely work as a nickname, and I think [name]Leela[/name] could, too. [name]Leelee[/name] could be an option if wanting something a bit more on the cutesy side for when she’s a baby, or perhaps even [name]Leo[/name] in the same vein as [name]Charlie[/name], [name]George[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Jules[/name], [name]Sam[/name], etc. being used as nicknames for girls.
I love it. Personally I like the nickname [name]Leo[/name], but [name]Lea[/name] would certainly work!
[name]Leona[/name] is my great-grandmothers name. I always thought it sounded dowdy and old fashioned when I was a kid, but I now I think it is sweet and charming. I actually like it in its full form with no nickname, but [name]Lea[/name] would definitely work!
I think [name]Leona[/name] is absolute stunning and yes, I think [name]Lea[/name] would work as a nickname!
My great-grandmother was called [name]Leona[/name] as well, short for [name]Leontine[/name] [name]Lenore[/name], her full name. Pre-immigration her last name was spelled [name]Le[/name] Noir, as she was Belgian. I’ve considered all variations of all her names very beautiful.
I don’t love [name]Lea[/name] as a nn, as I think it takes a beautiful name and makes it sound common and/or dated. Perhaps [name]Lilou[/name], [name]Leelee[/name], [name]Lee[/name] or [name]Leo[/name] (my fave)?
[name]Leona[/name] is nice enough, but I prefer [name]Leonie[/name] or [name]Lenore[/name]. [name]Lea[/name] and [name]Leo[/name] are both great nicknames.
I’d give it like a 7 out of 10. I like it, but it’s super awesome for me.
I like it, but I like [name]Leah[/name] or [name]Leora[/name] more.
[name]Lea[/name] as a nickname doesn’t do much for me. If I wanted to use [name]Leah[/name]/[name]Lea[/name]/[name]Lia[/name], I would just use them, themselves, not drag [name]Leona[/name] into it.
I love it. I’m fond of all of the “[name]Leo[/name]” names though - [name]Leonora[/name], [name]Leonie[/name], even [name]Lenore[/name].
I have a secret fondness for [name]Leontine[/name] and most elaborately, [name]Leocadia[/name], but pretty much no one likes it as much as I do so I don’t tend to recommend it a lot.
I think [name]Leona[/name] is lovely, and [name]Lea[/name] would be a great nickname.
[name]Love[/name] it! I like the nn [name]Lea[/name] or [name]Lena[/name] or [name]Leelee[/name].
I love it, but I could never use it because it was my uncle’s ex-wife’s name. [name]Lea[/name] is a great nickname, and the name would age well and hyas a timeless feel.
[name]Leona[/name] is great! Uncommon vintage names are my fave.
[name]Lea[/name] and [name]Leela[/name] are names on their own though, so if you like them, use them. [name]Leona[/name] is short. Why does it need a nickname? The only one I could get on board with is [name]Leelee[/name].
[name]Leona[/name] is very pretty fluid without sounding too vowel-y or breathy. I like leelee or lena as nicknames, and could see myself also using [name]Leo[/name] as a nickname too. Pretty name!