I just discovered these three names and like that they are not in the top 1000, [name]Vaughn[/name] might be but if so it is pretty low. So which name do you like best, and why. If you don’t like any of them feel free to comment why. Also please add any names that are not in the top 1000 or are very very low on the list. Thanks.
my favourite is [name]Vaughn[/name]!
[name]Vaughn[/name] is definitely growing on me, but so is [name]Leonides[/name]…I really like the nick name [name]Leo[/name].
[name]Vaughn[/name] [name]Leonides[/name] would be an awesome name.
[name]Atlas[/name] is my favorite. But I like [name]Vaughn[/name] as well.
Bump. Any more help is appreciated. Thanks
I really like [name]Vaughn[/name], but not the others.
I think [name]Leonidas[/name] is sooo cool! [name]Leo[/name] is a great nn too
I think [name]Leonides[/name] would be a lot to live up to, out of the 3, [name]Atlas[/name] is my favorite.
[name]Leonides[/name] is a lot of name and unless he grows up to look like a Spartan, he’ll be teased relentlessly
I like [name]Atlas[/name] and [name]Vaughn[/name]
[name]Don[/name]'t know what to suggest, the 3 are so different
I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Atlas[/name]. [name]Vaughn[/name] just… Doesn’t sound like a first name to me, only a surname. Much like [name]Pierce[/name], I just find it odd. I actually know a little [name]Leonidas[/name] and a lot of people are kind of mean about his name. It makes me sad because he’s really cute. It didn’t help that his parents named his little brother [name]Maximus[/name]. They also refuse to call them [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Max[/name], which would be ADORABLE. They’re literally called [name]Leonidas[/name] and [name]Maximus[/name] all the time. Poor boys.
I like all three, [name]Vaughn[/name] is my favourite.
I love [name]Atlas[/name], I think it’s perfect. [name]Vaughn[/name] would be my second favourite and I’d consider it a little more if it weren’t my mom’s ex husbands last name.
I love [name]Vaughn[/name]! I’ve never heard it used as a first name but I’m a little bit in love! [name]Atlas[/name] is a favorite of mine. I do like [name]Leonidas[/name] but feel like it’s a lot of name for a kid. I prefer [name]Leopold[/name], although I think it might be just as big of a name, haha.
Who is mean about his name, kids or adults…how old is he? [name]Just[/name] curious, I won’t have to worry about school teasing because I will be home schooling but he will be involved in many different sports and socialized a lot and I wouldn’t want him to have problems but also don’t want to choose a name out of fear of others not liking it. Kwim? Decisions decisions
Are you of Greek heritage? I’ve worked in Greece for a year, and Leonidis isn’t uncommon. (The little Leonidis I know goes by his full name in Greece, but is [name]Leon[/name] with the English relatives–adorable.) But if you aren’t of Greek descent, I think a name that strongly Greek seems a little odd. I also think that 300 (the movie’s) reputation and that [name]Leonidas[/name] has created a character that fraternity boys everywhere bond over. (Not that only frat guys loved the movie, just that [name]Gerard[/name] [name]Butler[/name]'s [name]Leonidas[/name] got a lot of fratty followers).
I think [name]Atlas[/name] and [name]Vaughn[/name] work for any bold family. I think they’re both really interesting. [name]Atlas[/name] is gutsier while [name]Vaughn[/name] is, to me, sturdier and more “wearable.”
I like [name]Leonides[/name]! I had a great grandfather (oops) named [name]Robert[/name] [name]Leonides[/name]! but I believe the spelling was [name]Leonidas[/name].